°Chapter 2°

36 5 3

You woke up in a drowsy state, your mind was still half asleep, staying still in the position you have been for a minute or 2. After breaking out of whatever sleepy daze you were in, You sat up and realised your TV was still on, You reached over to the remote with tired eyes and swooped it up from its original space.

You clicked the off button and threw it next to you, You shuffled over to where your phone was and picked it up, you put in your password and checked the date and time, It appeared to be the next day, Already?? How long were you asleep for?! You didn't even get to eat dinner yesterday.

You hadn't gotten any new notifications during your slumber, you decided that now would be best to make breakfast, so you went and took out a small packet filled with croissants and took out three of them, After sealing the packet closed, you put it back in it's designated drawer.

You started biting into your croissant, allowing the texture and flavour to fill your insides, it was pretty fun to know that you were going to see your cousin soon, You would have to make one stop at a gas station but that didn't bother you much, since it was sorta a common thing, you mean, You did live in the van, Of course, you would have had to get used to visiting gas stations.

After finishing your breakfast, you decided to change your clothes into something simple, you changed into a band T-shirt and some ripped jeans, You went out of the back of the van to change your seating to the front of the van, you got in the front and put the keys in. The van's engine came to life and started to make a low rumble.

You started to drive to the closest gas station you knew of, which was a couple of minutes drive from where you were already located, you turned the radio on and put in your (F/A) CD, this music was definitely what you would want to listen daily. After singing along to some catchy tunes, you parked beside a petrol pump and got out of the van.

You walked into the gas stations store to ask to open their pump and to also get a bag of (F/S), they grabbed a packet and went to the cashier "Could you open pump 2 please?" You then placed down your packet of (F/S) and some cash for the gas and tasty snack" and I would also like to get these please" they looked at you and smiled "Okay, here you go, Enjoy!"

You walked out and started to fill your tank up, When done, You got in your van and drove away, off to your destination, you occasionally took small amounts of your snack when driving, your songs were also playing loudly as background noises and the window was cracked open slightly, This is what you enjoyed about being able to drive, Being able to live in the moment.

Forgetting about life's unfairness and tragic problems, forgetting the fact that you could die or that the world could get destroyed any second, it's just fun to live while you can, it's better than living in a sorrowful mindset that life just sucks, then we perish.

It has been 2 hours since the beginning of the journey and traffic has decided to be kind to you, meaning you should arrive in less than half an hour, Which was good to know Since the CD you were listening to was almost over anyway, after 10 minutes, you arrive in your cousin's neighbourhood, you look around at everything.

As you drove by, Nothing had truly changed, houses looked the same, shops looked the same, Even the old park surrounded by woods you and your cousin would play in as children looked the same. Barely any people were out except this tall man in a suit you saw standing in the outskirts of the trees in the park you passed.

You barely got a look at him, yet why would you? You were going to forget his face later anyway, but from the distance and speed you were going in your van, He looked pretty average, Yet he did have a weird atmosphere surrounding him, Either way, You saw your cousins house in the distance and kept on driving forwards.

You reached the drive-through of your cousins home and parked your van there, After stepping out of your van, You could already hear your cousins door opening "(Y/N)!!! It's so amazing to see you again!!!"

She wrapped you into an inescapable hug, which you gladly returned "Miley! Long time, no see! How are you?" After a few more seconds of hugging, she finally let go "I'm perfectly fine! Even better now that you are here! And how's life treating you?"

" I'm feeling pretty good, in my opinion, life in my van is simple but effective" you chuckled lightly as she gave you a toothy smile "That's great! I was worried you wouldn't be able to adjust easily to living in a van, Anyways, please, come on inside, It's better than standing out in the cold!"

She took your hand and guided you inside into her home, Her house was quite well maintained, things were dusted and polished and you could smell lavender air freshener, she must have been getting things ready for your arrival "this place is even cleaner than last time I visited"

"Yeah, I thought that I should tidy things up while I was waiting for you" heh, called it "Anyways, You'll be sleeping in the guest room, like last time you visited" you smiled, The guest room was nice and even though you loved your makeshift bed in the van, You missed sleeping in an actual bed.

"Thanks, Miley, I genuinely appreciate all of this, like seriously, This is amazing" She started to chuckle "We both know I would do almost anything for you, Y/N! You're my cousin after all, Would you like to watch a movie, I have DVDs in the living room next to the TV!"

"Sure, I don't mind watching a movie, Lead the way!" She started to walk into the living area and lead you to a box filled with different DVDs "What do you suggest we watch, Y/N?" You look at her and back to the DVD filled box "I think I'm far too indecisive at the moment to pick a movie, Maybe something in the musical genre?"

"Oh! Like The phantom of the opera Or maybe even Sweeny Todd?" She shuffles through the box and pulls out two different DVDs " I suppose we could watch Sweeny Todd, Nothing better than a musical about a murderous barber in the Victorian era"

"Sweeney Todd it is!" She puts away the DVD you were guessing had The phantom of the opera in it and turned the TV on before slipping the DVD for Sweeny Todd into a small DVD player "Now, Time to sit back and relax, Also, I was gonna order takeaway, Is that good?"

"Of course it's okay, It's your house, after all, now let's just try and get comfortable!" Miley walks over to the couch and falls backwards into the couch cushions and pats the spot next to her, gesturing you to join her, Which, of course, you obliged, she turned her head to you and says " Don't be surprised if I start singing along"

"Don't worry, I probably will too at some point" That night, You and your cousin binged through movies, ate takeaway and junk food while catching up with each other and telling the occasional joke, yet all that ended when you two decided it would be wise to sleep, so you did, Enveloping yourself into another deep sleep.

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