Chapter 11

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*Jamie's POV*

I woke up the next day after reading those stupid tweets about Jack & Madison to see that I got a missed call from Jack. Apparently, he spared some time to leave a voice message. How nice, note the sarcasm in my tone.

"Jamie, I am so sorry for everything. All the pain that I've caused you. From the bottom of my heart. I mean it. You're my best friend. I regret letting you walk out the door and not trying to get you to stay. I don't know where you are right at the moment, but I hope you're safe. I know you need your space, so whenever you want to talk, you have my number. I hope you call soon. I just want my friend back. I'm so sorry, Jamie."

After he left the message, I debated whether or not I should call him back. As much as I wanted to, I decided to call JJ instead.

"Jamie?" JJ asked.

"'Tis I."

"Thank God you're okay. We've been worried sick!"

"I'm sorry. I should've called sooner. But I'm okay. I'm staying at some hotel. Pretty decent actually."

"Just come back to the house. We don't charge you for every night that you stay, food is free from the fridge, rides provided instead of paying for a cab for every place you wanna hit up. C'mon. Please?" he begged.

"That's the thing... I'm not coming back because I'm heading back to Omaha today. Things here have been too much to handle. I just need to go home for a while." I sighed.

He paused, "Okay, if that's what you want."

"You're not gonna convince me to stay? Doesn't seem like you."

"You need time and this LA environment isn't suiting you because of everything that's been going on. You have a legitimate reason to go back. If that's what you want, who am I to stop you?"

"Are you okay? You're usually ready to give me a lecture on things like this."

"Listen, as much as I want you to stay-"

"Who is that?" I heard Jack.


"Is it Jamie? Please let me talk to her."

"James, he wants to talk to you."

"Put him on the phone."

*Jack's POV*

"Put him on the phone." she said. Jack put her on speaker.


"That's my name." she said.

"Umm... did you get my voicemail?"



"Well what? What do you want me to say? 'Oh, Jack. Yes a million times yes! You have my forgiveness.' I mean, yeah I'm going to forgive you eventually. Now's just not the time. You alone need time to think things over and sort out your priorities."

"Did you tell him about where you're going?" JJ asked her.

"Where are you going, Jamie?" I asked.

"I'm going back to Omaha today. My flight leaves in 2 hours. So I've got to get going. I still need to shower. Head over to the airport, because of that rule, be there at least an hour before the flight leaves so, that's what I'm gonna do. It was a... unique experience here for the 3 weeks I've been here. I'll talk to you guys soon." She hung up.

"Johnson we can't just let her do this."

"Yeah but it's something she has to do. She needs time to let this cool down, and she'll come around soon. Well not soon, but eventually."

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