Chapter 1

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Angela's POV:

 I hurried down the hallway of the school, hoping I wouldn't run into any werewolves. You see, my father is a werewolf hunter. He hates them. But, I personally don't see anything wrong with them. They just want to live their lives in peace. So, I was hoping I could go home today and tell my dad I didn't see any werewolves. Unfortunately for me, I was outside during lunch when I saw a group of students ran behind this huge oak tree. It looked like they were half carrying half dragging another student. She seemed to be in soo much pain! Why aren't they taking her to the nurse?! Well, being the normal teenage girl I am, I walked to the tree and looked behind it at the kids and the girl. Suddenly, I saw something I never expected to see. I saw the girl they were carrying, turn into I've heard of werewolves and foxes and some other animals, but it was still surprising. The students with her must be werewolves! "Whoa. A fox! She's so pretty!" the other girl with them breathed. A boy that was next to her, looked at her and looked like he was pretending to pout. "Well, she's pretty, but your handsome." with that, I saw her kiss the boy! I am so confused. I'm about to just burst with questions. Well, the fox girl turned back into herself and stared at another one of the boys with them. "Mate." She said quietly. Mate?? Oh yea, I remember reading about that. Werewolves and other animals have mates. I think it's short for soulmates. Ok. Well, the boy and the fox girl smiled and took each other's hand. And just my luck, they came walking back. Well, since I'm an expert at climbing trees, (Note the sarcasm.) I decided without thinking, I'd climb the oak tree. But then, I fell out of the tree and landed with a thud. And who do you think would happen to spot me fall, but the group of were-animal kids. The third boy of the group, rushed toward me and took me in his arms. Sparks flew at his touch. I heard him whisper, "Mine." I don't know what's going on, but for now, I am very happy here in his arms. I just feel, for the first time in a long time, happy. "Wait, you finally found your mate, Oliver?!" the boy that was holding Fox Girl's hand exclaimed. I guess this stranger's name is Oliver maybe? Cool name. I didn't pay much attention to anymore of their conversation, I was caught up in this boy. I don't know how to explain how I feel about this boy.. I just feel..connected to him somehow. Then, just my luck, the bell rang, telling us lunch was over. He was just stroking my brown hair too! Oh that felt nice..Well, anyway, the boy asked me my name. "My name is Angela. Angela May Harris. What's your name?" I smiled. "I'm Oliver, m'lady. Oliver Cole Stevens. May I escort you to your class?" I giggled and nodded. I felt so happy! I've never felt this safe and happy. You see, I don't really have your definition of a 'happy family'. When I was just five years old, my mom ran away with another man. And dad, well, he likes to beat me. When I get home from school, if he's in a bad mood, he hits me. Or any time really. He asks me questions when I get back from school everyday. Like, have I met any boys? Did I see anyone that looked like they may be were-animals? and the list goes on! Basically, dad doesn't allow me to see any boys. I think he just keeps me around so I can tell him if I've seen were-. Then it struck me. I'm surrounded by were-animals! Oh I am so dead when I get home. "Are you ok?" Fox Girl asked me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell anyone,but I knew I probably should. "It's ok, Angela. These are my best friends. You can trust us. But if you don't want to tell us, it's ok." Oliver must have noticed how I hesitated. I knew I trusted Oliver. And, if he trusted these kids, I'll trust them too. But, I was scared. I heard that werewolves and other animals really disliked hunters. Some even disliked humans. Questions raced through my head. If I tell them, what if they hate me? What if Oliver hates me? What am I going to tell father? I was so confused, but I knew I had to tell somebody. So, knowing that I had about five minutes till my next class, I led them up on the roof. The roof was a place where I could go and be alone. It was nice. There, I told my new friends. "I saw you guys behind the tree. I saw you turn into a fox." I pointed to Fox Girl. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But.." I paused, not wanting to go on. "It's ok. You can go on when your ready. We won't rush you." Oliver told me. "We aren't mad Angela. It's fine." Fox girl smiled reassuringly. I was relieved. So far they weren't mad at me for spying on them. I took a deep breath and continued. "Well, I'm...I'm..I'm human! And my father is a hunter!" I could tell they were shocked. And probably deciding whether or not they wanted to hang out with the hunter's daughter. I looked into Oliver's green eyes. They reminded me of the ocean. "But I assure you, I'm not a hunter like he is! I don't like what he does! I don't like being used by my father to find werewolves..I don't know what to do! He's going to ask me if I've seen one..I'm not a very good liar either!" Oliver stroked my hair. "Hey, it's ok. We believe you. Right guys?" The others nodded. The other girl smiled and suggested we all head down for class before we are late. "Don't worry, Katy. We could just skip class." the boy next to her stated. Katy, I suppose her name was, hit him in the arm. "Are you nuts, Max? Our parents would kill us! And the principal would for sure call your mom and dad. You've skipped too many classes this month." She scolded him as the rest of us tried to stifle the laughter that was wanting to come out. We all went down the stairs. I then realized though, that the next class was gym. I did not like gym. But it's not because I'm not good at the sports. The uniforms were tank tops. I had bruises all over my arms! Oliver, Max, Katy, Fox Girl, and her mate, walked with me to gym class. I think we were all in the same class! Part of me was happy, but the other part of me was dreading it. I try not to let anyone know about my bruises. I always where a long-sleeved shirt, even on hot summer days. And I never go swimming. I went into the girl's locker room and changed, hoping nobody saw me. I'm in a secluded spot away from the other girls. Then, I walked out to the field in my shorts and sweatshirt-covered tank top. It was so hot! since nobody was here yet I took off my sweatshirt. Suddenly from behind me I heard a gasp and a growl. I spun around and saw Fox Girl and Oliver. I guess the others were still changing. Oliver looked angry, but not at me. and Fox Girl looked shocked. "Who. Did. This?" Oliver asked, his tone a little scary. "Calm down, Oliver. Your going to freak her out." Fox Girl told him. Oliver looked at her and calmed down a bit. "What happened, Angela?" Fox Girl asked. "My..father. He beat me.." I said quietly. I just wanted to disappear. "Rose, get the others. I want to talk with Angela alone." Oliver told Fox Girl as she nodded and ran back into the locker room. I was not looking forward to this conversation with Oliver. "Angela, your father did this?" I nodded and flinched as he touched my arm. "I'm sorry, Angela. Don't worry. You can come live with me and my pack. I'm the future Alpha of the pack so my father might agree. Especially if it's my luna." I nodded. "But, maybe you should ask him first, then bring me to the pack.." I said. "Alright. Don't worry. Nobody will ever hurt you again. Not while I'm around to protect you." He smiled and kissed my forehead lightly. I was so glad at the time that I had met him. But, little did we know, that our perfect moment, would soon turn into a living nightmare.

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