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I forced my foot to climb up the stairs leading to the school. It wasn't that many stairs, maybe only like five. Curse my fake parents for putting me in a public school, guess they figured I was too dumb for a smarter school with less people. Guess I actually have to speak to people. When I walked in, I completely felt by myself, and I enjoyed that. I enjoyed watching other people talking in their little groups, while also having time with my thoughts by myself. They little clicks of people were easy to spot out, the jocks, the nerds, the outcasts, the wannabes, and the cheerleaders.

It seemed like everyone knew eachother, but me. I had already received my schedule for the classes I'd be attending for this year. Math, Science, just some basic boring course, that everyone has to take sooner or later. Sitting on an empty chair in the cafeteria, I waited for the bell to ring for first hour to start. Curse me arriving early. Right before the bell rang, I'd overheard that two of our teachers was going to be gone today, and what a surprise, both of them were in my schedule.

I had wondered why they were gone, and I'm sure everyone else was as well. I should probably head to the bathroom before my first hour begans and school officially starts. Heading there, I dodge the local groups hanging around there, without having to speak to anyone. I make it into a stall. I overhear some group of two wannabes talk about the local news, usually I wouldn't be interested, but this was interesting. Wait, what? What did they just say? I overheard one of them say before I was finsihed, "Yeah, my father is a police officer and I heard, but don't take it from me, but BUT a murder happened. "

Her friend seemed really intrigued by that, by responding by saying that nothing interesting happens here. Her friend seem to also have you explain more about it, which I was thankful for. I was intrigued about this. A murder? There has never been one of those in a town I moved too. No wonder this place felt off. But murders happen all the time, right? The wannabe continued, " Yeah, right? And it's not even the first murder. . ( . . . ) The weirdest thing is, the hearts were missing. My father has been racking his head all day about it. But, I could care less ( . . . ) Anyways, did you hear about the game friday? "

I myself didn't hear about the game friday and neither did her friend. That's it, I've spent too much time in this stall. As I exit the bathroom, My thoughts are interrupted about the loud bell emitting from the school. It's time for first hour and as I can tell, you have five minutes to get from class to class. Which is way too much time seeing that every class is in close corners. Let's see . .  There is my class right there. Oh, and look, a substitute teacher on my first day here. Great.

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