Here To Stay.

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(Charlie's POV)

Demi and Wilmer have decided that we're all going out today. I sighed as I sat in the car wearing a cute black skirt, a light pink long sleeved crop top, and matching wedges. Demi wore a navy blue and white dress with white heels, and Wilmer was wearing a grey suit with a white shirt and a navy blue neck tie. I watched the buildings go by as we drove. Wilmer kept looking at Demi and smiling, as she sang along to any song that came along on the radio.
I was really confused on why Wilmer wanted me to come along on Demi and his date. He said it was very important that I came along, and that I would have a good time. 

The car stopped in front of a park that took 45 minutes to get to. As soon as the car parked, Demi gasped "Aww babe! It's the park where we had our first date! I haven't been here in forever." Demi leaned over and kissed him. I got out of the car and headed towards the swings, but a hand placed itself on my shoulder. I flinched and quickly the hand removed itself, I turned around and saw Wilmer giving me a half smile. Demi stood with him, her arm linked with his. "Wilmer, why are we wearing nice clothes if we're at a park?" 

"Well we're only going to walk around the park's path once and talk, like we did on our first date, and then move on to our next location." Wilmer explained "It's going to be very interesting." 

"Are we going to go back to your car and makeout like we did on our first date, too?" Demi bit her lip and stared at Wilmer who chuckled and started leaning closer to Demi. I coughed to avoid their makeout session, and Demi just laughed and rolled her eyes. "Come on kiddo, lets walk around the park." 

Wilmer led the conversation and spoke about Demi and Wilmer's first year of dating, "Hey remember that time when you and I went to Disneyland-"

"And I wanted to cry because I fell and skinned my knee, but I tried being strong because we had only been dating for four months-" Demi added.

"And I knew what you were doing, so I fell, skinning my knee worse than you did and cried to show you it was okay." Wilmer smiled. Demi smiled wider than she was just a few seconds ago, if that was possible. "You just kissed me and cried."

"It was a really awkward, wet, adorable kiss." Demi looked at me and grabbed my arm, she gently pulled me in, linked her arm with me, and kissed my head. "I really enjoyed this walk. Where to next?" Demi asked.

"Get in the car, and you'll see." Wilmer had this weird gleam in his eyes, it scared me, yet excited me. I was interested to see what he was doing. "Let's just say I hope you guys are hungry."

A few moments later and we were at this place called Jack's Diner. "What's the point of coming to this run-down diner?" I asked.

"Well, to answer your question, little miss Chatty Kathy, this is where your mom and I came on our first anniversary." Wilmer smiled.

"Why would you guys come to this place for your one year?" I inquired. 

We all got out of the car and Demi wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "We were overrun by paparazzi at this fancy restaurant, so instead we came here, no one found us. It was actually perfect." We walked in and automatically a tall bulky man saw Demi and Wilmer and smiled, through up his hands, and rushed to give them a hug. 

"Demi, Wilmer, how have ya been?" The man asked in a New York accent. "I haven't seen you's guys in a while."

"We've been good, we've been busy with work and stuff." Wilmer spoke to the man as if they've been friends for years, which I guess they have been. They spoke for a few minutes about family and work. "So, how about that table for three, huh Jack?" 

"Right over here, Wilmer!" Jack was very loud and very personable, he was just extremely happy and it confused me. We sat down and soon everyone ordered food and drinks, it was only eleven in the morning, so it was more of a brunch. Wilmer kept starring at Demi lovingly as she spoke about all the ideas she had for the remodel of the house. 

"I have an idea for remodeling." I offered. Demi and Wilmer looked at me as if I was giving a speech at my presidential inauguration. "...Why doesn't Wilmer move in with us?" 

"I like that idea." Demi said automatically. 

Wilmer looked from Demi, to me, back to Demi "Really? Are you sure you want me to move in?" 

"I love you, Charlie loves you, you're one of the best parts of my life, and I want you to be with me everyday, or at least when I'm not on tour." Demi smiled. "Move in with us." 

"Okay." Wilmer said with a grin. "I'll move in as soon as possible."


Wilmer took us to multiple places, each one Demi and he went to on a different anniversary. I was starting to realize what was happening, but Demi was still completely oblivious. Finally we were at Applebees, and I didn't understand the reason behind this location. "Babe, why are we here?" Demi asked, confused as well.

"This, is the first restaurant we went to as a family, You, me, and Charlie." He told us. I could see Demi falling more and more in love with him as this day went on, "Come on, it'll be fun."

As the night went on we hit a few interesting topics, Wilmer brought up getting me into acting or something like that, Demi wanted our input on some ideas for her new album, and I decided to bring the conversation to a very fun topic. "Well, Charlie, to be honest I don't know how many siblings you'll have. I mean, Wilmer and I aren't even married yet." Demi told me.

"Well, you will have siblings," Wilmer said to me, he looked at Demi and asked "Right babe?"

"Of course, I want to have kids." Demi assured. I only brought up this topic because I figured it would be a gateway conversation for Wilmer. "Not for about two or three years, but I do want kids."

"Demi..." Wilmer sounded nervous, and he pressed his lips together weirdly. "Demi, I know that people think that I'm too old for you, but the truth is, you're an old soul. You challenge me on an intellectual level, you make me happy when I feel miserable, you make me feel... young. I couldn't ask for a better best friend, or a better person to share such a huge part of my life with." Wilmer got up, then knelt down on one knee. "I want to share every single bit of my life with you, for the rest of my life." Demi realized what was happening and I saw tears forming in her eyes, she covered her mouth with a shaky hand and glanced at me, then quickly looked back at Wilmer who had pulled out a small box. He opened it to reveal a gorgeous ring, with a huge diamond. "Will you marry me, Demetria Devonne Lovato?"

"Yes!" Demi exclaimed, she and Wilmer stood up and embraced, then Wilmer slipped the ring on her finger, and they kissed as the restaurant cheered and people took pictures. "Yes, Wilmer Eduardo Valderrama, I will marry you, I am so in love with you, yes, yes, a thousand million times yes!" 

They kissed once more before waving for me to join their hug. Our waitress, Fiona, came by with a bottle of wine "A congratulatory gift from us here at Applebees! Would you like me to take some pictures of you guys?" She asked. 

"Yes please, thank you so much." Demi said, she handed her, her phone and we took some pictures as a family, and a few of just Demi and Wilmer. Demi kissed Wilmer one more time before we left the restaurant for home.


It is April 6th, 2015, and Wilmer is now officially moved in. Demi is already talking wedding dates and is leaning more towards March 25th of next year, a year after their engagement. Their engagement has been the major news story on basically every magazine and celebrity news channel, Lovatics are freaking out over it, and whenever I go out I am asked to give a statement on how I feel about it. Every time I say the same thing "I'm just happy my family is coming together." I tell them, "Demi and Wilmer are happy, so I'm happy." I'd say.

And I'm telling the truth. I am honestly starting to feel... Happy? I don't know why, but for some reason, Demi and Wilmer getting engaged made me feel like new beginnings were possible, and in an odd way I feel like I've found mine. With my family.

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