This Is The End.

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(Demi's POV)

It has been 8 years since Wilmer and I got engaged. I am now 30 years old, happily married to Wilmer, and we live in a 5 bedroom, 6 bathroom house in L.A. with our 4 out of 5 of our kids. The eldest, our son Dominic, is six years old and a very happy kindergartner. Luca, our 4 year old, is in pre-school and he has shown quite an interest in the piano. Then we have our twins, two beautiful little girls who just turned one, Cassandra and Kristina.

Charlie, who is now 23, goes to Otis College of Art and Design. She wants to become a set designer for movies. She lives in an apartment no more than an hour away from us with her girlfriend Tori.

I'm not sure exactly what sparked a change in her, but shortly after Wilmer and I got engaged she became... Motivated. She wanted to get better, she put herself back into rehab in order to get better, and when she came home nearly 6 months later, she was a new person.

"Hey, Hermosa." Wilmer said as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Why don't you stop doing the laundry, and come with me upstairs?" He said in a seductive tone. "I finally got Luca down for the night, maybe we could..?"

I bit my lip as I dropped the dark red flannel to the floor. I turned around and pressed my lips to Wilmer's, not long after our lips parted and our tongues were wrestling for dominance. Wilmer grabbed my legs and picked me up so I was sitting on top of the dryer, and he started to grind into me.

Just as I began unbuttoning his shirt, I heard a baby cry from the monitor. I groaned and pecked his lips once more before running upstairs, into the twins' nursery. Kristina was awake, crying as her eyes followed the clouds on the mobile above her. I lifted her out of the crib and held her tightly, snuggling her close to my chest. I sat in the wicker rocking chair and rocked slowly with her in my arms.

Soon enough she was fast asleep, and I placed her back in her crib, left the room, and headed back down stairs.

I heard Wilmer in the dining room, talking, maybe on the phone. I walked in and saw him sitting at the table with two women. Charlie, and Tori. "Hey mom!" Charlie exclaimed, she got out of her seat and ran up to hug me. "It's semester break and I figured Tori and I could come and surprise you guys. Well, more than just coming to see you." Charlie smiled at me, at Wilmer and then at Tori who stood up and held Charlie's hand. Charlie looked at Wilmer and I and said "Mom, dad, Tori and I are getting married."

"Welcome to the family, Tori." Wilmer smiled. He and I hugged Charlie and Tori, then Wilmer went to the kitchen, and came back with a bottle of wine and four glasses. "This calls for a celebration.To Charlie Demetria Lovato-Valderrama and Tori Marie West." We all lifted our glasses and said cheers, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the smile on my baby girls face. She really has grown up so much from that scared little girl the police dropped off at my door. And now she's getting married, she'll be buying a big house, and she'll be adding little ones to her new family.

Charlie looked back at me, and with the smile on her face she said "I'll always be your little girl mom."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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