chapter 6

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"uh Fu*k" Devlin said Speechless

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, I apologize" she said as Devlin cut in

"no problem, my mistake. I was the one who stood behind you so........wait, aren't you the girl from the road" Delvin asked

"yeah I am" she said

"oh hi, nice meeting you again" delvin said as he passed her to go and offer something

in caren's mind "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!, he just told me hi,Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!" she said as she noticed Nadia trying to get back her attention

"caren.......,Caren" Nadia said snapping her fingers at caren's face

"I'm here,I'm here" Caren said coming back to reality

"O.M.G, you just talked to him again" Nadia said

"I know right" Caren said as they both screamed calmly

they both got a seat, ate their meal and came out of the center

Caren and Nadia got outside the hall to the compound of the center to go home

"are we going now, or.........." Nadia asked

"I still feel I should talk to delvin" caren said

"um about what" Nadia asked

"I don't know, anything I guess" caren said

"so are you telling me, you just walk up to a celebrity, a model and the most famous man in the whole of Australia,perth just to tell him anything?, girl can you listen to yourself" Nadia asked

"enough with the scolding already, from Mrs "go and talk to him" to my mun" caren said

"I'm just stating the odd" Nadia said

"well keep your odd to yourself" caren said as she heard screaming and cheering behind her then she turns and sees Devlin coming out of the hall

"his coming" Caren said

"urgh" Nadia said as she rolled her eyes "don't tell me your doing this"

"Wouldn't have a doubt" Caren said

"God knows I told you" Nadia said

then delvin walks with his body guards with the crowd following him to his SUV to enter and Caren followed inside the crowd to get in through to delvin and she was not fully able to but still

she gets closer to delvin "step away from the vehicle " one of the bodyguard said

"I'm a fan and I just want to see him" caren said

delvin in the car listening to music on his earpod on one ear then hears the whole scenario happening with caren and the bodyguard then he comes down from the car and takes a look

"Whats happening here" delvin asked

"this young lady wants to get through to you as if she is most important, if since you're a fan why don't every one else gets a chance to meet him and look back as you can see, there is a whole crowd behind you" the bodyguard said

"excuse me?" caren said as delvin cuts in

"I'll take it up from here" delvin said "what do you want"

caren standing thinking of what to say "hello,hello" he snaps his fingers at her

"um I just wanted you to sign my autograph" caren said sarcastically

"so that's why you cut through" he said "you know what, never mind" he said as he takes her autograph and signs it
" here, are you happy now" he said as he goes back into the car

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