chapter 9

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girls wondering what was happening at the limousine side, boys with girls, families with each other and all. As delvin comes out, caren sees him with her eyes widen and her mouth opened door in shock.

"you don't mean it" Caren said unbelievably

"this is gonna be sweet" Nadia said

"I mean, he's here like" caren said still trying to believe with a grin on her face

"well what you gonna do" pamela said

"do about........" Caren asked

"delvin, of course" pamela said

"what do you want me to do" she said as her phone started buzzing in her romper pant pocket

"just a sec, I'm coming" Caren said as she takes her leave to make a call

"hey kevin" caren said on the phone

"hey caren, what you up to" Kevin asked

"not really much, just in the beach with my friends" caren said

"the beach?, that was were is was heading to and I called to invite to come with" Kevin said with a grin on his face

"really, what a coincidence" caren said as she chuckles

"so which beach" Kevin asked

"cable beach,broome" caren said

"well, why don't I just come to cable beach, broome so we can hang out" Kevin said

"sure, why not" she said

"great, I'll be there in 40 minutes" he said

then they kept talking as kevin was on his way to the beach then
they hung up and caren went back to go meet her friends


"bro let's find a spot" Rodney said to alan

"ok. how about that side by the palm trees" Alan suggested

"that seems nice, how about you delvin" dylan asked

"cool" delvin said as they went there

1hour later

"So delvin time to fulfIll your loss" Alan said with a grin on his face

"is it now already?" delvin said looking away from his phone at alan on a folding chair

"yeah, so go find a girl" Alan said as he taps him on his shoulder

he gets up and observes the beach, look at everyone

"I've seen one" delvin said

"who" Alan asked

"there" delvin said as he points to the direction of the girl

"well carry on bro" Alan said as delvin leaves to go meet the girl

"lIke what the hell is caren still saying on the phone that she's not back yet, and who the hell is she talking to" pamela said

"maybe it's her parents or some boy she just met" clare said

"or could he be delvin" Nadia said with a grin on her face

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