Can't Catch A Break|GingerBrave

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Summary: GingerBrave is helping Wizard with magic stuff, runs to the bathroom but pisses himself lolz.

"The result should be the amount of soda to add."  Wizard tossed another equation at GingerBrave who was practically drowning in a pile of numbers. Pencil in hand, he finished up another paper and moved on to the newest one. He wrote slowly and carefully so his friend could easily read everything; not wanting him to mess up any important steps and he knew this experiment was his most important yet. There was one issue though- Gingerbrave needed to pee. 

And he needed to pee badly. 

"Can we take a small break? I know this is important and all but I have to-"

"Nope, no time. We need to finish these calculations and this method quickly for tomorrow! Alchemist is expecting this for our competition and I can't miss it." Wizard brushed off his scarf and took the completed papers from GingerBrave.

"Okay.. but can we hurry up? I need to do something after this." 

Wizard Cookie scoffed, "You're the one who's not being quick! Can't you write faster?" 

GingerBrave nodded and waited for more problems to work out. When given one, he speedily jotted down an answer, not really caring for presentation anymore. 


The desperate cookie had no idea how much time it had been since he requested a break but he knew there was no point asking again. He knew he was going to feel awful for doing this but it was really the only option left. GingerBrave dropped his pen and a sheet of paper and ran for it; refusing to have an accident in front of the cookie he admired the most. 

"Alright, these should be the last 13 ones." Wizard turned around to see how everything was going but saw only a pen and a few finished equations left on the floor. 

"Where did that cookie go??" he hopped off of his stool, careful to not trip over his robe and checked around the lab. 

"GingerBra-" Wizard Cookie stood in shock. 

There was the one and only GingerBrave: the first cookie to escape the oven. 

There was GingerBrave, the bravest cookie, who was sobbing his heart out.

There was GingerBrave, just in front of the bathroom, pissing himself. 

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