1-The Accident

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Story begins beneath authors notes:

Forewarning, I haven't written on Wattpad in probably 5 years give or take, so bear with me as far as formatting. In general, I'm open to any and all positive or negative feedback. This story is my "getting back into the swing of things" project, one that I started brainstorming quite a while back, and am picking up to get it turned into something. Something important, if I can do it right. This will be slow on updates, I work as a nurse among other life things being juggled around, but I am attempting to commit to writing more frequently. Thanks anyone out there reading this, enjoy the ride!
This will contain many different characters with varying real-world struggles. Before given the opportunity for growth and wisdom, some characters may exhibit beliefs that are harmful to marginalized populations. This story takes place in the Bible Belt, where specifically any LGBTQIA characters may experience scenarios that are unacceptable, but unfortunately do occur. Let me be clear, there will be no tolerance in the comments for bullying or hate of other readers or in generalizations, regardless of what any of the characters may say/do. Let's keep the comments safe for all, if this story ever even gets that far!
Possible trigger warnings: substance abuse, addiction, trauma, self harm, suicide

Individual chapters may have individual trigger warnings with more specific themes. I understand that some topics are ones that some readers need/want to avoid. If any chapters have what I think may be more extreme scenes, I will provide a warning and a brief summary of what occured so that chapter/section can be avoided. If ever I miss anything that needs a warning and summarizing, feel free to reach out! Now, let's get this show on the road!

"Rhonda Joan Phillips, 16 years old, was last seen on Monday, April 18th, 2014 leaving from Crossdale High at approximately 3:30 in a red hatchback. If anyone has seen or has any information of her whereabouts call the number on the screen below."

Amanda Phillips quickly stands and grabs the remote from the table to her right, turning the television off. She begins to pace around the unusually quiet house.

It's been almost three days since Rhonda left for school that morning. Amanda had overslept, a hot breakfast at the table was replaced with a bowl of cereal and a quick goodbye yelled from her bedroom upstairs. What if something horrible happened? If Rhonda was never found? Would their last interaction be only that of voices heard through the floorboards?

Amanda covers her mouth, sinks back down into the couch, and stifles a sob. She can't believe this is happening.

Rhonda is a good kid. She studies hard to make good grades, spends her evenings and days off from school and basketball practice volunteering at the local nursing home, and she's always been active in their church.

She wouldn't have run away, and she doesn't deserve anything bad that could have happened to her. Amanda knows both of these truths deep within.

She glances at the clock on the wall and anxiously wills the hands to strike four. This is when Bill will be home and they can again sweep the neighborhood and area surrounding the school to try and find any signs of their baby girl.


Aaron sighs as he steps onto the bus. As much as he loves his best friend, video games can only distract for so long.

While Sean's mom's cooking is great, Aaron is beginning to miss his own mom, and his own bed. It's only been two days, but everyone is giving him this look that makes him feel an inch small.

Yes, okay, his sister is missing. So, she probably just got a boyfriend and they ran off together. Isn't that what 16 year olds do? He can remember the time, 5 years ago, that his 7 year old self had packed up a baggie of cookies and Doritos and ran away. He had only just made it to the park when he realized it was starting to rain and ran home.

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