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Wyn feels like shit. She isn't sure how hangovers work for weed, but she sure as hell doesn't feel good. Her mouth is drier than the Sahara and she feels lightheaded. She woke up disoriented so it took her a second to remember all of the events that lead to her waking up in Noah's bed. Taking a peek at the ground, she sees the sleeping bag is gone.

Her memory is missing a lot of the night. She remembers the beginning, losing track of everything up until she woke up in Noah's bed the first time. The embarrassment she feels is unmatched. Wyn never intended to ruin his night by needing to get babysat. He's never going to see her as a mature woman at the rate she's going.

Knocking on the door breaks her out of her small pity party. Before she can tell whoever it is to come in, Sophia's head pops out from behind the door. She looks apologetic and regretful. What the hell happened last night?

"Can we talk?" In the short time she's known Sophia, Wyn has never heard her sound so shy and timid. She isn't even sure that's the real Sophia; she could still be high out of her mind for all she knows.

"Of course. What's wrong?" Sophia takes her time walking in. She sits down at the edge of the bed, looking unsure of the distance between the two girls. Wyn has never been more confused.

"It's about last night. Do you remember anything?" She asks her, wincing when Wyn shakes her head.

"I remember some of it, but not anything after I took that last hit. I do remember everything after I woke up here the first time, though. Whatever happened in between is just coming up blank."

"Well, I didn't realize you were blacking out. I was pretty fucked up myself but that's not an excuse, I'm just telling you why I didn't notice. You kept yawning so I assumed you were sleeping, and for some reason that made more sense to me than you being way too high. Um, Alex and I got up after that and we went a little deeper into the woods behind where we were sitting. We were making out and we were definitely way too carried away..." She pauses, unsure of what to include and what to leave out. She wants to be honest with Wyn but she also doesn't want to give her the gory details of her almost hook-up. Her friend doesn't interrupt her, though, so she takes it as her que to continue.

"Noah found you pretty soon after. He completely lost his shit. We heard some yelling and got worried about you so we came back, and as soon as Noah saw Alex he was on him. Punch after punch — it was so bad. I didn't know what to do so I went to you, and when I saw you barely able to open your eyes I realized I fucked up so bad, Wyn. Noah started yelling at me to let you go and for everyone to stay away and God, it was so bad." Sophia's crying and Wyn isn't sure what to do. She wants to comfort Sophia but doubts her friend would accept it.

"I'm so sorry, Wyn. That was such a shitty thing for me to do. I didn't think about anyone except myself and fuck," Sophia starts hyperventilating so Wyn throws caution to the wind and reaches out for her. She feels nauseous at the sudden movement but pushes past it. She wraps her arms around her friend, hoping to take some of that guilt away.

Sure, Sophia didn't make the smartest choices. But she herself was almost as fucked up as Wyn, so what happened wasn't her fault. Plus, everyone at that party has made a very obvious effort to stay away from her. She wasn't in any danger, that much she's certain of.

"Please don't cry." She whispers against Sophia's hair. "It's okay, I forgive you. We all make mistakes. I'm just happy you're here." It's the truth. Wyn is happy she has a friend, someone who is only there for her.

It takes Sophia a couple of minutes to calm down. When she finally manages to pull away from Wyn's tear-soaked chest, both girls start giggling as they look at each other. Neither one has changed from the night before so Wyn knows she's a mirror image of Sophia's messed up hair and makeup.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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