Chapter 2

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        Two red eyes appeared from the dark figure . he closeted his eyes "please..." he was scared as he begun walking back . he took a deep breath before running to the light switch and trying to turn the lights on . "please work , please turn on " he begged quietly to the lights . the lights came on and he glanced over to the figure. he stared , being able to see it fully 

it was a demon , no doubt , very tall , probably around 7ft . it had grey skin with black freckles scattered around its body , along with what looked like symbols branded onto them . they had  dark red , short hair . long ears , covered in piercings  . two pink horns the were above its ears . lastly a long thin tail with red fluff at the end .

Sam looked at it as its head turned and made eye contact . the two stared at each other for a few minutes before it started walking towards him . "what do you want?" it asked , its voice low , hard to understand . "what do I want ?" Sam questioned "I want ... I want you to leave me alone" he said and stared at it "but? i must do my job?" it said confused "you summoned me , you should have a need you wish for me to fill " . Sam glanced away before walking away "hey! you cant just go " the demon told him . sam didnt care and went to his room . the demon awkwardly waited down stairs . it sat on the couch , playing with its tail , waiting for sam to come back .

an hour or two passed before Sam went down stairs again , he looked into the living room and saw the demon "fucker.." he said under his breath as he walked over to it . " alright " he said , getting its attention . its ears perked up as it looked over . "so what are you " he asked "im an Incubus , i thought you knew that , my name is Inornyx" it said and smiled , showing its shark like teeth. "Incubus? Like a male sex demon? " Sam titled his head slightly "yes that is what an incubus is , why did you summon me if you didnt know what i was" the demon questioned "i..i didnt think you existed"Sam answered "oh , alright well , um , are you gonna have me do something so i can leave?" Inornyx asked , the demon seemed awkward or maybe just scared "like what?"sam was confused "like uh f#©king or sucking your d¡ck ?" It suggested the words censoring when it said them "no i dont want you doing any of that and did you just censor yourself?" Sam watched it "oh ok , I can wait till you want to do that i guess and yeah i did censor myself " it replied . sam took a deep breath as he walked away "im gonna get a cup of coffee" he signed

Inornyx sat on the couch playing with tail as he looked around the room , he was anxious, it was the first time someone who didnt want s3x, summoned  him . he mumbled things to himself , waiting for something to do , he usually had been given orders , but since it was still the same night he was summoned he couldn't use his magic there .

Sam came back a few minutes after and sat on the coffee table he took a sip of his coffee well he stared at the demon . "you have a nice home , do you live here alone?"  Inornyx questioned trying to make conversation "thanks , yeah i dont live with anyone " Sam answered . It stood up and begun walking around , looking at everything "what are you doing?" Sam questioned "just looking around " it replied quickly. Sam rolled his eyes and watched the demon as he walked around the first floor looking at pictures , furniture ,and pretty much just everything that was there.

Sam thought he was just tired and that he was seeing shit  . he yawned and stood up "im going to bed , I would prefer you leave and go back to hell " Sam told the demon "Fifthly demon" he said under his breath as he went back to his bedroom . once in his room he laid down until he fell asleep .

Inornyx spent the rest of the night looking around the house . he looked through the kitchen cabinets , finding some cereal that he decided to eat . he scavenged around the house trying to find things to entrance him . he tried read books , stared at clocks , along with just laying down on the couch . he was expecting Sam to come back it he did see Sam come back down stairs at all that night . Around midnight Inornyx went up stairs and found Sam's room . tired and bored he sat on the bed and feel asleep sitting up . as he went to sleep he watched Sam sleep , finding it peaceful

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