chapter 4

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Sam was tired , he had been thinking all night an was just hoping it was just hi seeing things because of lack of good sleep . he really didnt want a demon living in his home until he fucked it or was fucked by it ,he just didnt like that idea . even at work he was thinking about it , and it was slowing done his work . "hey boss !" Charlotte said walking over to him , it took him a  moment to notice she was talking to him . jerking a bit he looked at her " uh , yes , charlotte?" he watched her pick up thing and put them away . "are  you doing well? you have seemed.. well ... out of it , today " she said and softly signed "like i mean , you just seem to be in your own world , not really helping me and james at all " she told him , it was pretty clear to sam that she was annoyed . " oh sorry , i didnt get much sleep last night so just having a long day " he said and begun working . "alright , its fine , i guess , i just dont want to be doing all the work " she signed and and went back to her work . sam signed and went back to thinking as he slowly worked . 

Back with Inornyx . the incubus was laying  on the couch doing pretty much nothing other then tracing his skin . he stared at his burnt skin , his face looked saddened "why?" he asked himself , his voice soft , almost silence . his skin was burnt , what was left of the burns was the scars and his trauma from them . the burns where all over his body , his hands were delicate , the webbing of his fingers being burnt to a dark red kind of color . he was use to the pain of the burns , they didnt hurt that much but remembering how he got them and staring at them was always so much more painful . lifting up his shirt slightly , he was able to see the showcase of scars that was his chest , it was covered in cut scars , burn scars , and scars from pretty much anything else . he looked at a cut scar , the cut was shaped into a name "Torcas" he said , writing the name , another name " akreil " was burned into his upper chest , there was more names , but he couldnt bear to read them . 

looking away from himself he walked to a window and sat near it , he watched as cars drove on the street and a group of small kids played with a ball in front of house . the house was boring  , the walls all a grey-ish brown , and the roofing a more red like tone . the kids playing where small the biggest one in the group looking to be around 7 or 8 . Inornyx smiled as he watched them play , he never got to play games like the human kids but it was peaceful to watch them . he thought they were cute , his eyes were pinned to one small boy , maybe 4 or 5 , he was the shortest but kept taking the ball back even when the other 2 threw it  over him and held it out of his reach . he had light brown hair and was wearing a simple red shirt with a rainbow on it along with grey shorts .  "so happy , so cute " he said , innocence and carelessness of human children , as it was something his kind didnt get alot , incubus children never get to been kids and just have to watch other kids as they are forced to grow faster . 

over at Sam , he was on track with his work , still spacing out but getting out of his mind quickly . his shift was about to end as he waved off the other workers , them leaving the cafe . once they left he followed outside and drove home . "please let there be no demon in my house , please let there be no demon in my house " he begun saying over and over as he saw his house . unlocking the door " please dont let there be a demon in my hou-" he was cut off as he spotted Inornyx and signed , bothered . going into the kitchen he rolled his eyes " hey , you went to work right? how was it ? inornyx said and walked behind sam 

" yeah i went to work " he said and glanced to him . inorny smiled and sam stuck his tongue out at the incubus . he started making food for himself " go away , go read or something " he said and inornyx signed as he went back to the couch .sitting down , he grabbed a book and started looking at the pictures .

after sam made his food , he sat down next to inornyx and started eating "inornyx right?" he questioned as the incubus nodded " whats your name ?" he asked sam . " im Sam Taylor , call me Sam" he said and smiled a bit . inornyx felt that maybe they would get to know each other a bit more . they both smiled as sam ate and inornyx thought of what to say . the incubus looked at him and looked his food " what are you eating?" . " oh just a bowl of mac and cheese " sam told him " can i try a bite ?" inornyx asked and got closer  " sure , what ever " sam  said as he handed the incubus a spoon of mac and cheese , he tried it and smiled happily " its really good " he said excitedly 

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