Resolve phase

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Y'know, I've had this app/website for a long time. A LONG time. Earlier than I should've had it honestly, I wasn't ready for how it would effect me or my relationships. But I guess it turned out okay, I met someone special here. And a lot of special people really. Most of them are gone now.

I miss them, truth be told. How could I not? My friends. Some of my first friends. I was a terrible friend. Super creepy. If any of you are somehow reading this, I'm sorry about that. Truly. My only excuse was that I really, really shouldn't have been here in the first place. And for those that followed me (and those I followed) to other places, I'm sorry to you too.

Why am I typing this? Well, I want to start again. Or try at least. Can't get everybody from the old days back together, but I can start something new. New oc, new style, maybe even find a few new friends here if there's anybody else here. Big "if" I think, but maybe. Maybe. I used to love this site, talking to people on it was pretty much the only thing I looked forward to for a solid year or so. And while it'll never be anything close to that again (nor should it be), I think there's something to be found here. More than just lurking.

This site did not make me a better person. If anything, it enabled me to be worse. But maybe I can do it right this time? Have some fun and scratch an old itch? Or maybe I just post this, make some cosmetic changes to this account, and do nothing. But at least I'll have tried to bring back just a tiny bit of something I used to enjoy. This feels like something I should do.

Sooooo, I'm going to post this. Then I'm going to think very hard about what kind of character I want to build this account for, and add to this thing and sorta document this process of mine. 

For anyone that reads this, I used to play a character named Cain Webb. Very original, I know. God, even typing that name makes me cringe. If you know why I came up with that name, you'll probably laugh at me. But if you do end up talking to me (again or for the first time), call me Moon. Hope you don't know anybody else who goes by that name, 'cause that's bound to be confusing. Seeya... Soon? Hopefully?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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