Positively Yours.

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The sun shined so bright that it forced war to open his eyes, waking him up from his deep slumber with a tired sigh. He sat up and let his eyes adjust to the bright surroundings. When he had gathered his consciousness, he stood up and gathered his towel and other bath necessities.

After taking his bath and dressing up in his uniform, he headed out to the kitchen, and to his surprise, his husband was still there taking his sweet time in eating his breakfast, usually the latter would be out of the house when he goes down to grab his breakfast.

"Oh, Good Morning, you don't have any morning club activities today?" war asked the man that was peacefully eating his omelette and rice and he just hummed in reply. He went to the kitchen counter to make his sandwich and to fetch some orange juice.

"You're just gonna eat a sandwich?" his husband asked in a rather hushed voice and it made war jump a little. War can never be so used to these casual conversations they do.

"Oh, yea, I'm not used to eating rice in the morning. Want some orange juice?" war replied. War stared at the other man and all his thoughts all went to the gutter when he realized yet again that he married a very attractive man.

"Yea, that would be nice, thank you war." the other man said and smiled at war, with that he went to the cabinet and fetched another glass, and filled it up with orange juice. When war settled the latter finished his meal and drank the juice that war had given. This whole scenario for war was so awkward. War and his husband have never gone past being civil with each other. They have been married for a year and a half and never once had a deep talk nor any casual conversation inside the campus, and yes, his husband and him are in the same university just a different course. War was taking Architecture, while his husband took Engineering, what type of engineer his husband was taking, war doesn't have any clue at all.

"You're wearing the ring every day?" his husband suddenly asks and war had instinctively played with the wedding ring in his finger.

"Yep, my friends think it's just a normal ring and I sometimes swap it out with the engagement ring also it's a good prop to shoo away some annoying people." war explained as he smiled a little at the ring. War wearing the ring makes him feel a little bit closer to the man he had already promised his forever with.

It's just they never really seem to talk about it and he just wasn't the type to ask yin questions about the marriage and the whereabouts of yin's ring. War just learned to live with the fact that somehow his marriage life will just be like this, short and awkward conversations and everyone thinking Yin is still single. War sighed at that thought.

His husband, Yin Anan Wong, the two met when they were in high school. War could still remember the day he first saw Yin. he was giving his speech as a freshman representative. Yin gave that dependable and hard-working student vibe, with his neat uniform and very strong aura. He became one of the schools, Heartthrob. War wasn't lesser, he was cute, bubbly, and friendly. But even with the same school, their paths never crossed that often. War would only see Yin if there's any school program or when he walks past war's class.

War and Yin officially met each other when war's grandma and Yin's parents had set them up for an arranged marriage. Yin looked he wasn't okay with the set-up and if Yin had ever talked to him and told him that he doesn't want the marriage to happen, War would have been willing to talk to his grandma to cancel the arrangement but yin never talked to him about it and just went thru to all the dates and any meetups that their elders had set-up for them. Until they just knew the families had arranged a closed-off engagement party and wedding ceremony. Being a part of a rich and influential family, it was so easy to drown any news about the arrangement and the thing the public knows is that the Ratsmeerat and Wong's had decided to merge, Solidifying both of the families their influential status, without the public knowing the two heirs had married off as part of the agreement.

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