Special 1

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Yin can feel his husband hard stare on him and no matter how much yin loves war attention on him this particular stare was bothering yin to the fullest.

"Talk to me?" yin then raised his head to look at war who was still staring at him. He threw questioning looks at war and that probably snapped war out of his staring trance. A blush creeped out onto war's cheek, the moment he realized he might have been staring at his husband way too much.

"I just realized. I don't like seeing you wear the wedding ring." war confessed and this made yin almost fell out in his chair. What does he mean? "no , i mean.." yin looked at his small husband okay, continue.

"I swear Anan, Don't overthink!" war said frustrated. "I am not? But with your reaction right now, should i be scared? Are you gonna sign the divorce paper for real now?" yin fired away to war. This made war laugh and made yin more confused as he is.

"You know, back when we were still hiding the fact that we are married, you used to wear the ring as a necklace pendant." war answered. This made yin curious on what war would say next.

"yeah? " yin just said, prompting to war to continue.

"I just thought you looked hot with that." war shyly confessed again and this made yin stop whatever he was doing prior to war's confession.

"What now?" yin stood up from his chair and walked closer to war. War, who was still a blushing mess from his own confession, stepped back every time yin walked nearer to him. War almost lost his mind when he felt the cold wall on his back and yin wore this sexy smirk on his lips and that sent war's mind on overdrive. It almost drove war into losing his own sanity.

Yin stopped on his tracks and war watched intensely every move Yin made. "Who would have thought I would hear my own husband tell me I look hot while wearing our wedding ring around as a pedant? Aren't you a cutie? ''Yin suddenly said, making war snap out of his very inappropriate thoughts.

After those remarks, yin left and that made war confused but at the same time relieved.

2 weeks have passed since the whole necklace fiasco and the two have never talked about it again. But today, Yin has a different plan in mind.

The latter purposely left his school shirt 3 buttons unbuttoned, he made sure war was gonna see his little surprise and this made yin a little giddy. He was excited to see war's reaction.

When the professor let them go, he packed his things up and almost ran to the architecture course building

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When the professor let them go, he packed his things up and almost ran to the architecture course building. When he reached the cafeteria he didn't even need to look around that much, his eyes had automatically found his cute little husband, it was like war has a magnet that makes yin field of vision just focus on war and war alone. Yin doesn't mind it even a little bit.

when yin arrived at the table that war and his friends had occupied his eyes landed at war's side. his cute of a husband had already ordered lunch for him. ah yes, the domesticity of that.

Instead of taking the seat next to war, he tapped win and wordlessly asked to change seats, win was confused but still nodded.

When yin was sure that war had properly looked at him he just smiled and ate his lunch wordlessly. When he saw war froze for a second after he knew his plan worked. Gotchu.

"Hey, I'll be going now. Be good." yin said as he cleaned his place. War looked at him and without missing a beat. War manage to drag him out of the cafeteria and push him to one of the unused rooms in the building

Yin was cornered and that made him smirk on the inside.

"Anan Wong." war started. The smaller one glaring at the offending object.

"Yes dear?" yin cheekily answered and flipped their position, instead of war pinning him, he pinned war and that made the other one shocked and was visibly confused.

"What are you trying to do?" war asked. Still a little dazed out.

"Nothing, I should ask you that question. What are you doing? Dragging me here." yin asked back and when he saw his husband flashed a mischievous smile he knows he had pushed the right buttons.

The next thing war did surprised yin, war used the ring to pull him for a kiss and who was yin to say no to a kiss. Right?

War and yin have shared some kisses but out of all this was his favorite yet, it was not slow or fast or those sparks flying, emotional kiss but it was hard and it was evident yin had pushed a button that riled up the smaller guy and it was drowning yin. He kissed war back with the same fervor and he felt a little smile creep from war's lips.

War was the first one to pull away, yin looked at him, cheeks flushed and was chasing his breath. "Can I skip the rest of the day?" war asked. "I don't think I'll be able to do anything productive today." and Yin nods. Mentally taking note to text both his and war's friends about their abrupt half day.

i blame this gif for this impromptu word vomit special. 


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