♖Chapter 9♖

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Olivia has and HAS to do a mission by her self luvcas doesn't agree they fight see goes missing for like 2-3 days when he finds her she's in a bad state or something

-/-/- Third person POV -/-/-

"Lucas It's just a mission " Olivia says getting annoyed as they've been at this for 10 minutes now "No you can't go by your self " he says say with his voice raised "what do you think I can't do it because I've never failed a mission " she say in the same tone "yeh I know but I was always there with you "Olivia shakes her head "no " is all she says ,she grabs her leather jacket motorbike keys and grabs her pack of cigarettes .Olivia opens the window and jumps down in to the dark night .

-/-/-15 Hours later -/-/-Olivias POV -/-/-

"Hey guys" I say giving Dylan and Nick a smile I see Lucas and Nick share a look at each other full of lust .The bell rings after a while meaning lunch "hey lu I'm just gonna get my phone form my locker ,you guys go ahead " Lucas gives me a look "I'm sure lu , I'll be fine " he sighs and nods "ok but if your not there in five " I nod and hug him then head to my locker but before I get there when I'm only around the corner form my locker I hear yelling "Weak nerd ,can't even fight back " I look around seeing seeing 3 guys there was one with brown hair the other more blonde brown and the last one with black and a small short kid on the ground with a bruise forming I see the black hair guy pulling back his fist and I run around and grabs g his fist just in time "what are you doing !" He yells "stoping you from hurting this kid ,that I'm sure did nothing " I say not looking any where but glaring in to those dreamy blue ey-I mean glaring in to those assholes eyes "actually he bumped in to me " I rolled my eyes and let go of his fist as he dropped it.I turned around helping the kid up and he gave a small thank you before running off "that doesn't mean you get to punch him he's what 3x smaller than you,stop being such a dick I get you have to do the hole bad boy type but it's not gonna help you in life so why don't you stop now and stop being such a bitch you beat up people smaller than you " I say leaving all them shocked I walked past the blue eyes boy bumping his shoulder and kept walking after a few seconds I think he snapped out of his trans " hey get back here " he yells after me " oh what are you gonna do about it ,punch me " i say walking backwards now facing him "nah I couldn't mess up that pretty face of yours" I roll my eyes as he kept walking closer I kept walking back till I felt the cold meatless locker behind me his two arms trap me between him and the locker "now now cherry ,I don't like people getting in my way "he leans in closer "but I think I can make an acceptation for you ,cherry " his pale pink lips inching closer to mine each word "don't call me that " I say regaining my self and now glaring at him "do you know how cute you look ,Cherry "he say making my anger rise even though I normally can control it .Both are eyes locked not looking any where else "I said don't call me that "he smirks like he has been doing the hole time setting me off more "what are you gonna do about it cherry " his lips not even 3 inches off mine "I-Olivia!" I look to my left the blue eyes boys lips just brushing my check " coming lu" the boys drops his arm not before whispering "see you round cherry " .

"Luca i said it was nothing he was just being a dick " I say anoyed after being at this for ages now "ok fine " he say and turns to nick going all heart eyes .I look at my phone and see I've got a mission I read over it .It's to kill a man but it's only for me not Lucas I make sure to read it twice it only says me I guess it's a solo mission the first one id ever do .

Once we got back home I walked up the stairs Lucas following "hey Lu" he looks up from his phone "yeh " I sit down on his bead him following "I got a mission " he nod "ok when because I know the bio-it's just for me " Lucas stops and stares at me "what do you mean" I start playing with my fingers "the mission is a sold mission just me and it has to be me you can't cover for me " ...

-/-/-Present time -/-/-

"Lucas It's just a mission " Olivia says getting annoyed as they've been at this for 10 minutes now "No you can't go by your self " he says say with his voice raised "what do you think I can't do it because I've never failed a mission " she say in the same tone "yeh I know but I was always there with you "Olivia shakes her head "no " is all she says ,she grabs her leather jacket motorbike keys and grabs her pack of cigarettes .Olivia opens the window and jumps down in to the dark night
I run to my motor bike and get on flying down the drive way off to the garage .Once I got there I got changed and got my guns and knifes.I left my bike there and took one of the white Lamborghinis we had .

I finished my work and stood there admiring it ,I grabbed the knife and whipped it on the guys (if you could still call him a guy or human now )shirt .I walked to my car taking out a cigarette a lighting it I get in the car and drive off to a bridge I went by on the way here I climbed up ad sat there taking a drag every now and them .I hear a sound of a person behind me I turned around to see a guy with for some reason familiar blue eyes and black hair that blends in with the night .The guy from school . We shared a stare and he seemed to recognise me to I broke the staring by turning around looking at the water not bothered by him he sat down next to me our legs touching but not giving us a bother .I hold out the cigarette to him he took it and took a drag or two before giving it back "what are you doing here ,cherry "he ask not making eye contact "I could ask you the same ,I needed to get away from " I shake my head letting out a dry chuckle "everything " he finishes off for me .I look up meeting his eyes "yeh " I say not braking eye contact we both lean in inching closer "cherry you don't even know my name and your gonna kiss me " I shake my head "I don't need to " with that we lean in connecting our lips and forgetting everything around us .

-/-/-Guys we have reached over 2K I want to say a big thank you for just reading my book it means a lot because I'm just doing something I enjoy and I'm glad to know others enjoy it to
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