Killed In Action

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Harry's POV

"No, no, NOO!" I black out slowly, with the slender figure slowly walking away...

Frank's POV

I come to Harry's house to see him unconscious on the floor, with his Dominus off. "Harry!? You still alive?!" I check to see for cuts, or stabs and find a deep one near his heart. "Oh god!" "It must've been one of the actual murderers from when we were kids... or what if someone went rogue?"

Nemo's POV

I go to find my old cardboard sailor ship in my backyard, and it's not there. "Weird, is this place dese- Oh wait, I was just gone at this time with my mumma, on a cruiser. Well looks like I'm free to roam!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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