The Game

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         I was, let's just say I was broke. And when I say broke I mean I am living on the edge of life, I was barely even surviving. It would all change on that day. The day I went to the train station, the day I met him.

        It was a dark and stormy day, and I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom having an emotional breakdown. I don't care what parents tell their children, life was not fair. I grabbed the last bit of Won I had left, and an umbrella and limped to the train station. I sat down to wait for the train that I was supposed to get on. Suddenly a man with a briefcase approached me. "Hello ma'am," he started. "Would you like to play a game with me?" I nodded and he opened the briefcase. To my surprise, it was my favorite childhood game, ddakji. "Pick a color, red or blue." I picked blue and we began playing. I threw the paper down and almost flipped his over. On his turn he did flip mine over, "You owe me 100,000 Won now."

     "Well, the thing is, ummmmm, uhhhhhh, I don't have that much Won sir."

     "That's ok, you pay with your body." He smirked.

     "Uhhh, excuse me, what?" Then right there, in front of other people, he slapped me in the face. I winced in pain and held my face where it had been hit. After a few more rounds I finally won. The man handed me the Won, and I think his business and walked away. Ah man, I thought, I really wanted to slap him.

     I had decided against going on the train and limped home. The words from the young man rang through my head: There are more games like this, you could make more money. I looked at the card that he gave me, there were 3 shapes and a phone number. I filed the number until they finally picked up. "If you wish to take part in the games please state your name and your date of birth."

     "With a shaking voice, I said, "Maddy Woods, October 14th, 2000."

     "Come to the bus stop outside your house at midnight alone and bring nothing." Shivers ran down my spine, but I was low on money and food. At midnight I grabbed a piece of gum and headed out the door, to the bus stop. A van, bus thing pulled up and the door opened. These strange people in full-body red-pink suits-not a single part of their skin was showing- helped me into my seat. I was practically laying down at this point. I looked around me, everyone was asleep. That's strange, I thought. All except for one girl, she had dark brown hair and green eyes, she was also smirking. Suddenly the room filled with gas, she ran over to me and covered my mouth and nose. It was laughing gas. Why would they want us to sleep?  I wondered. Now to think of it, it was midnight and I was tired. I started drifting into a natural sleep.

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