First Game

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     I was awoken by a loud voice that sounded like it was coming from a speaker. "Please prepare for your first game, it will begin in ten minutes." I looked around me, all I saw was a sea of people in teal tracksuits all with different numbers on them. I was number 227. I saw the girl from earlier, she was number 438. I approached her, assuming that she would remember me.

     "Hey, remember me from the bus. I was the one you saved from the laughing gas." She nodded her head, getting her to talk would be harder than I thought. "I'm Maddy by the way."

     "Cool, I'm player 438." I rolled my eyes. After a few minutes, she gave up. "Ok, fine I'm Lily." 

     The clock hit zero and a door opened to reveal more of those guards, this time they had triangles, circles, and more squares. They gestured us to follow them, and we did because they had guns. Why in the world do they have guns? I wondered. They led us into an open room with sand on the ground. The walls were painted as if they were the sky, but it clearly wasn't because there was no roof, and the sky was exposed. There was a huge doll on the other side of the room and a clock with 5 minutes on it. There were more of those guards next to the doll, and there were holes in the walls. "Hello players, today you will be playing red light green light. You will move forward when "it" says green light, you will stop when "it" says red light. If "it" sees you move when "it" says red light ou will be eliminated. Line up at the white line and the games will begin."

We all lined up at the white line and the game started. "Green light," the robotic voice came from the doll as it turned to face the tree. These two boys- one with black hair and one with yellow- both ran as fast as they could, they clearly wouldn't be able to stop in time. "Red light!" Surprisingly the boy with black hair did stop, yellow hair boy was a different story. "Player 324 eliminated!" Suddenly the loud sound of a gunshot filled the room. And there he was, player 324, on the ground...dead? I saw the other boy say something to him and then he coughed up blood. The boy screamed like a little girl and started to run towards the door that we entered through. Other people followed his lead, and the speaker was overwhelmed with eliminations. I tried to stay as still as possible until everyone that ran was eliminated. It was a horrible sight to see, several mounds of dead bodies piled up at the door that we had entered through. Finally, that was over and the game continued as if nothing had happened. "Green light!" Lily and I were brave enough to move, we were barely even going anywhere, but we were moving. "Red light!" We quickly came to a halt, and another player that was brave enough to move was shot.

     Finally, after a few more people were killed people started to move like normal again. "Green light!" I was close to the finish so I sprinted, but I tripped over a dead body. Oh no, I thought, this is it, I'm dead. Then I got caught, I looked up to see a girl with medium-length light brown hair and glasses.

     "Names Elayna, you can thank me later." 

     "Greem light!" We all ran past the other white line, signifying that we had passed the game. I saw this ugly dude standing next to this other dude. I think that their names were Sang-Woo and Gi-hun. Is that Sae-Byeok?  She was my childhood best friend, I never thought that she would be in debt. As the guards brought us back into the main room I looked back, it was horrid, dead bodies everywhere.

     As we entered the room I looked at the screen that had previously said, 456 players and 0 Won. It now said 201 players and 25,500,000,000 Won. Wow, 255 people died in that game, this is going to be a living Hell. "Welcome back from your first game players, lights out will be in thirty minutes." Oh, my, goodness, that voice was so annoying. I was pretty tired after what we had just witnessed, I was also pretty pissed when I saw Sang-Woo in the bed behind me. I rolled my eyes and laid down. After thirty minutes the lights turned off and I closed my eyes. I was awoken from my dream by a new voice, this voice didn't belong to Lily, Elayna, or Sae. "Hi, I'm Lilly, I'm not tired, and I want someone to talk to."

     Suddenly Elayna joined in, "I have a feeling we're all going to be great friends," referring to Lily, herself, Lilly, and I. I just nodded, I was too tired to talk. "Night," she must have noticed my sleepy look. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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