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Tanaka is screaming from happiness as you and Asahi walk away. Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder, which stops him from having an excitement attack.

"Did you actually ask her out? And she agreed?" Noya says with his eyes open. "And she is not Kiyoko?!"

"I mean, did you see her? She is as hot as Kiyoko, AND she wants to go out with me so fuck yeah! We have a date on Saturday at 5 pm."

"And where will you take her? It's Thursday, you need to plan something fast."

"Can we help you plan it?" Hinata says with sparkle in his eyes.

"Sure." Tanaka says, going back inside with the rest of the team, to plan his date with you.

You and Asahi get to his house. "Where are you gonna stay?" he asks you.

"Me and mom are staying at a hotel until we find an appartment or a house."

"You can stay with me and mom, we have space for you too. Text her to come here. Come inside." You go inside, hug Asahi's mom and follow your cousin into his room. You start talking, telling him you are going to Nekoma High School and that you are glad you are back here. You didn't like your school in Tokyo, you didn't have a reason to, you just didn't like the atmosphere there. And since your mom found a new job here you moved back. Your mom arrives at her sister's house (aka Asahi's mother). She brings you your stuff, your clothes being included too. Immediately, Asahi opens your bag and gets all your clothes out, and I mean all, looking through them, trying to pick you an outfit for Saturday. You let him do that because man he has taste in fashion. He opens your bag. "Seriously Y/n? Just black clothes? Really?" You pull out a light blue shirt from the bottom of your bag.

"No, not just black." Asahi rolles his eyes.

"I'll use it for your outfit." Before Asahi gets too look more at your clothes, his mother calls you two to dinner.


It's Friday, and your first day at your new school, Nekoma High. You get there but you don't know shit about where your classroom is or where the fuck to go. You stumble around but you can't find it for fucks sake. So you decide to ask someone where to go, thing you should have done in the first place. You see a short guy, he seems nice, so you try to ask him. "Hi, sorry, can you tell me where 2-3 is? I'm new here."

"Uhh- yeah, sure. Follow me." You follow the guy and he shows you the class. You thank him and go inside, finding a seat. Lunch break is here. You are annoyed because all the teachers made you introduce yourself to the class. You sit alone at a table, wanting to eat you food, when someone taps your shoulder. You turn around and see some guy that looks like Tanaka a little.

"Can we sit here?" he asks you, then you seeing more boys behind him, the guy you asked for help being there too.

"Uhm ok sure." They all sit next at your table, beginning to talk to you.

"We are the volleyball team. I'm Kuroo Tetsuro, the captain. Nice to meet you. Yaku told us you are new, so we decided to meet you."

"Actually, Yamamoto spotted you and asked if we can stay here because he thinks you are hot." a boy with long dyed blonde hair says, playing on a nintendo switch. You widen your eyes and look to your right, where the Yamamoto guy was.

"Creep." you think to yourself. "Are you all here because he asked you to help him get a date with me?" They all look at you, that Yamamoto guy has his eyes widened.

"What? No-" Kuroo denies.

"Yes." Yaku says.

"Well, I'm sorry to say that, but I already have a date with someone tomorrow. Sorry bro."

"Who is it? "

"I don't know if you know him, but it's Tanaka from Karasuno."

"Dang it! He always gets the girls I want." You've had enough with this guy. He does look like Tanaka a little, but he is annoying even the smallest shit out of you. The members of the team try to make him shut up, but he just wouldn't. You learn that he is a second year student too, but from class 1. You're so glad you are not in the same class. But you are classmates with Kenma, the nintendo switch guy. He seems chill. Finally you all are supposed to go back to class. you walk with Kenma, you two being in the same class.

"Are you alright?" he asks you.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You looked really uncomfortable around Yamamoto. Sorry for him."

"It's fine."


It's Saturday, the day of your date. You get a text from Tanaka at like 1 pm. You both forgot to ask for eachother's number, so Asahi needed to give you his number and to give him your number.

"Where do I pick you up from?"

"Asahi's house."

"I'm SO EXITED for the date! I SO WANNA KNOW IF YOU WILL LIKE WHERE I TAKE YOU! Anyway, see you at 5."

"Can't wait :))" "He is cute." you think to yourself. "This guy is funnier than I expected." You start getting ready, you take a shower, wash your hair, and do everything a person does when they take a shower. You dry your hair. Asahi picked you an outfit. The light blue shirt and a pair of black jeans, casual. You get dress3d, do a little bit of make-up, brush your hair and, you're ready for the date. At exactly 5pm, Tanaka is here to pick you up. He gives you a rose, which makes you leave out a little blush. You go out and follow Tanaka. "So? Where are we going?"

"You will see." You don't ask anymore questions and you follow him. You don't walk for a long time, until he stops. "We're here." He took you to an amusement park. Your eyes begin sparkling, you LOVE amusement parks. You look at him, giving him a big smile. "Come on, let's go!" he says grabbing your hand and you both enetering the park.

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