Chapter 1

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Izuku POV unless stated otherwise. The story starts on the day of the Sludge Villain Incident.


I woke up with a start and looked at the clock. It was 7:30 a.m. I had that same dream again tonight. Just endlessly falling in the darkness with wierd shapes circling around me, trying to grab me.

Anyways, I got out of bed and went downstairs, only to catch a whiff of mom's pancakes. I quickly rushed down the stairs and greeted her.

"Good Morning Mom"

"Ah, Izuku. You're awake? I was just about to go wake you up. Can you go and check up on your sister for me? I think her fever should be down atleast a bit now."

"Sure, but only if you have a stack of pancakes waiting for me."

"I already have them ready, young man. Now go."

As I headed up the stairs to check up on Zumi, my thoughts wandered back to my dream. I still don't understand why I kept having that dream. Now, normally you wouldn't think about it too much. But normally, you don't have the same dream twice a week continously for 11 years.

While I was thinking about it, I reached Izumi's room. I knocked and entered although I knew that she was probably still asleep. The room was pretty spacious and every inch of it was covered with superhero mech, mostly Mirko. Though I feel like that's hypocrisy, given that me room is pretty much the same, just replace Mirko with All Might.

"Hey, Zumi. Wakey, wakey."

"No, nii-san. 5 more minutes."

"Alright then. I guess I'll eat your share of pancakes as well."

At that Izumi jumped out of the covers faster than I could see.

"You will not", she said, tears threatening to leek out of her eyes.

"Alright alright I won't. Besides, it was just a ruse to wake you up. I don't have 3 stomachs you know. So, how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts, a lot. But I think I'll be able to go to school today."

"If your head hurts then you are not going to school."


"No buts. If I am going to teach you everything anyways, you might as well be perfectly healthy before coming to school again. Now come downstairs, the pancakes are ready."

After that I went back downstairs, had breakfast and got ready for the hell known as school. Not that mum or Zumi know about the things happen their.

30 minutes later

I was standing in front of the school gates, conveniently reaching just 10 minutes before the bell rang so that I can avoid Kachhan and his group. As I entered the school grounds, I felt a chill go up my spine and already knew this day was gonna be one of the worst of my life. 

I tried to turn around and nope out of there, but luck wasn't on my side. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around only to see a guy from my class whose names I did not know. Mostly cuz Kacchan only ever called him 'Fingers' and I never talked to any of my classmates other than Izumi. He had a quirk that let him elongate and sharpen his fingers and they hurt like hell.

"Hey Deku. You're finally here you worthless piece of shit. I was starting to think you weren't gonna show up. Also, did you know Bakugou is on a trip with his family for the next 3 weeks?"

Well fuck my life.

I feel like a bit of context is needed here. You see, Kacchan, real name Katsuki Bakugou, was once my childhood friend who turned into my main bully once I was pronounced quirkless. I use the term 'main bully' rather loosely here though cuz yeah he calls me names and insults me, punches me sometimes and, on very rare occassions, uses his quirk on me, that too very lightly. But he also keeps the other kids of my back, making sure none of them are beating me up while saying stuff like "I'm the only one who beats Shitty Deku". That's only when he's around though. On days he's absent, the others become bold and beat the crap out me. Worse than he ever has. And I then have to make sure mum and Zumi don't find out.

They proceeded to beat the shit out of me. By the time they were finished I already had atleast 1 broken rib and multiple cuts and bruises everywhere. I just laid there on the ground of the first period, only finding enough energy to get up and drag myself to the infirmary when it was about time for the bell to ring. The nurse ignored my presence, as always, and I patched myself up before heading to class.

The rest of the day went similarly, with me getting beaten up multiple times. By the time the last period rolled around, I was already covered in a large amount of cuts and bruises alongside with, at the very least, 4 broken bones including my ribs. I really am grateful for that insane pain resistance I have. Guess 11 years of torment does that you. I was trying to come up with some sort of excuse for all these injuries which I would later tell mom when the teacher for the period, Mr. Watanabe walked in.

That man apparently hated me with a vengeance. He would always go out of his way to turn my life into a living hell, encouraging the bullying, deliberately giving me bad grades, the whole package deal. And he was carrying a stack of papers with him.

"Alright class, in just a few months, you all will be high schoolers. As such, I believe it's time you thought about your career choices. But who am I kidding*throws the papers into the air* I know you all want to be heroes."

Everyone started to use their quirks. Must be nice, having one. While everyone was doing that, Fingers stood up. Whenever Kacchan wasn't around, his attitude used to get a huge boost. He would pretty much be a discount Bakugou on those days. He opened that stupid mouth of his and started speaking,"Oi Sensei. Don't put Bakugou and me on the same level as these guys. These guys are just gonna end up in some 3rd rate school whereas Bakugou is going to U.A and I'm going to Shiketsu."

The teacher had a extremely twisted grin on that ugly face of his and I got another chill that told me something bad was gonna happen real soon. It's one of the rare perks of being quirkless, you get a 6th sense for whenever something bad is gonna happen.

"Ah yes, Mr. Yamamoto(I don't think his name is mentioned anywhere so I just wrote the first one I came up with). It seems that we have 3 applicants for U.A this year. Mr. Bakugou is quite obvious, however it seems that the Midoriya twins have applied aswell."

Fuck you too pal.

'Fingers', or as I just found out, Yamamoto stormed over to my seat and pushed me down to the floor.

"Listen up Deku, Bakugou going to U.A is obvious and even your sister's application is understandable. But what the hell you think you are doing, applying to U.A?"

"Mr. Yamamoto, please stop for now. As much fun it would be to watch the quirkless trash get beat up, there are things that need to be done first. You may beat him once school is over."

Are you serious right now? Do you have any idea what would happen to you if this reached the proper authorities? Or have you forgotten that their is a camera right above your fucking head?

"Tch! Don't think it's over Deku."


This is a question for the people that came from my other fanfic. Do you like this first person perspective? Or do you want me to keep doing it in Third Person?

I honestly have a lot of ideas for this one and I am not going to do a seperate Info chapter from now on, just insert it where necessary.

-Ashborn Out

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