Sign Language* (Barry)

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Title: sign language*

Universe: Barry
Season 1-2
love interest: Barry Berkman
OC name: Nichole Barnett
Face Claim: Lauren Ridloff

In which Barry tries to communicate with a deaf fellow actor

Summary: Nichole ends up being Barry's scene partner for a play and he starts trying to learn sign language in order to communicate with her.


-Nichole has an interpreter, but despite that, he wanted to communicate with her himself without the interpreter being around 24/7.

-She went deaf when she was a kid after contracting meningitis

-In between hits, Barry looks up stuff about ASL

-In season 2, Nichole wrote and performed a scene based on the day that she went deaf

-Her parents are over-protective of her and worried about her stepping into the world of acting, but she invited them to the play in season 1 to prove to them that she could still pursue in acting despite her disability.


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