Tale of the Giant fall~Part 1

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"All Warriors old enough to climb the rocky hillside and hunt their own prey, come forth to the Great Tree for a clan meeting." Silent'Moon bellowed, from on top of the  blackened tree stump.

The scar and war ridden tom sat tall on the stump as warriors and apprentices alike slowly filtered out from their dens, curious as to why the Deputy was calling a clan meeting? Only Giant'Star was allowed to do that, unless something had happened to Giant'Star?

"Where's Giant'Star?" A voice from the crowd pipes up. Silent'Moon flicks an ear, sitting up taller, his face holding a dark expression.

"Giant'Star has unfortunately passed on to Star clan. He lost his last life due to Green cough and now is with Star clan, may Star clan light his path." The Deputy explains, slightly dipping his head in respect for the fallen leader.

The crowd beneath the Deputy grew anxious hearing the tragic news of their once great leader. "That's untrue!" Another voice yells breaking the silence. Wise'Crow the clan's medicine cat stepped forwards, the black shaggy looking she-cat starred down Silent'Moon with a killer glare.

Whispers began to run throughout the crowd, Wise'Crow was calling the Deputy a liar. A Taboo that one doesn't do lightly. "I was just with Giant'Star and he was perfectly fine! Besides it's the wrong season for Green Cough! It's Spring'Leaf, it's too warm for Green cough to spread that quickly."

Silent'Moon gave the wiley medicine cat a wicked smile, holding back his anger and aggression towards her. "I'm afraid you are mistaken Wise'Crow. Giant'Star was sick, he just didn't tell you. I'm sure you remember him constantly coughing and wheezing all throughout the Gathering last full moon don't you?"

Wise'Crow paused for a moment, struggling to remember. Her memory was failing her, slowly disappearing like smoke in the wind. "I may be loosing my memory Silent'Moon, but I know for Star clan sake, that Giant'Star was not sick! Broken'tail the Deputy of River clan was sick, but not Giant'Star." The medicine cat counters.

This did not stop Silent'Moon from continuing, "True. Broken'tail was ill, but if I remember correctly Giant'Star had fallen ill not long after the Gathering. It scares me to think that such a wise and great medicine cat like yourself Wise'Crow would let something like that slip from your memory."

More hushed whispers spread around the other cats like wildfire. What if Wise'Crow had really forgotten? What if Silent'Moon was right? It seemed that no one could remember if Giant'Star had fallen ill that night or not. To them, he seemed like a mountain an unstoppable force, but even mountains crumble after so long.

Wise'Crow muttered something under her breath, her eyes falling onto the earth. Maybe she did forget? Maybe Silent'Moon was right? She cursed her aging memory, damn why now? Silent'Moon took her silence as a que to continue on.

"So as I said Giant'Star has unfortunately passed on, which means I, Silent'Moon will have to take his place as leader. From until the day I die, I promise you Mountain clan that I, Silent'Star will protect, defend and guide Mountain clan to the best of my abilities.

When Moon high hits tonight I will go to the Moonstone and be given my nine lives. But, first I must choose a new Deputy to watch over the clan until my return." His eyes gazing over his new clan hungrily.

Before he spots young Cloud'tail tucked behind one of the older warriors. Cloud'tail had just recently earned his warrior name. He was far too inexperienced to be a good Deputy, but he was of age. "Cloud'tail step forward." Silent'star purred down at the young cat.

The fluffy all black cat with a white tail stepped forwards a bit confused and surprised his name had been called. Even the other warriors were shocked, everyone thought that Bright'Pelt would have been chosen.

Bright'pelt was a strong and very wise she-cat, that had proven herself numerous times to the clan through battle and through her superior hunting skills. The she-cat scoffed and huffed, why did Silent'star choose the youngest warrior over her? Cloud'tail hadn't even seen a real battle yet, and yet he was being chosen for such an important role?

Yowls and growls echo throughout the other warriors, Cloud'tail bravely stepped up in front of the crowd, despite his fear. "Y-Yes Silent'star?" He asked, his head bowed.

Silent'star gave the young cat a menacing smile, before standing to his paws. "Do you Cloud'tail, promise to uphold the warrior code and protect Moutain clan at all costs? Even if death is your fate?"

Cloud'tail swallowed nervously, unsure of this new role, but if Star clan chose him then so be it. "Yes. Yes I do." He says trying to cover up his anxiety. Silent'star's grin spread wider at his words.

"Then I Silent'star hear by name you Cloud'tail Deputy of Mountain clan, let it be known all throughout the lands and may Star clan favor my choice." Distant rumbles of thunder clash in the far horizon, the clouds darkening above the the mountain peaks.

"Star clan is angry.." someone says. "They don't like your choice of Cloud'tail being Deputy, he's too young. You should have chosen Bright'Pelt Or Lion'claw. Both are senior warriors, not Cloud'tail, he's still a young warrior."

The crowd of warriors raise their voices in disapproval of Silent'star's choice, if Star clan was sending this storm, then they must be angry. "You have to choose someone else Silent'star!" Another voice adds. "You have angered Star clan!"

"Silence!" Silent'star bellows over the clan, his voice cracking like lightening. His eyes narrowed, his fur bristling with rage. "You all will do well to accept Cloud'tail as your new deputy or I'll exile all those who go against my words." He growls lowly. "Wise'Crow mentioned a storm brewing sometime today, yesterday to me. That is why I know Star clan is not angry, Wise'Crow saw this storm coming."

The clan once again grew silent, only the rustling of the winds and the distant storm could be heard. Silent'star sat back down, a pleasant expression gracing his face. "Now that, that is settled. There is one more thing we need to discuss before I leave for Moonstone." Shaking out his pelt, his whiskers ticking.

"Wise'Crow while you have served this clan well for many moons. I belive its time that you retire and become an elder, don't you think?" He coos at the med cat who hisses in response.

"Pitter'paw please step forwards." The lead cat beckons at the young medicine apprentice. Wise'Crow gasps and glares at Silent'star.

"He isn't ready Silent'star." She yowls. "He still needs at least four more moons of training before he's even close to becoming a full medicine cat and even then, he still won't have the experience." Wise'Crow's fur bristles up as her young apprentice steps forward.

"I-I'll make you proud Wise'Crow. I promise." The tiny calico apprentice murmurs, nuzzling against his mentor's fur. Wise'Crow huffs, her steady glare unwavering on the new leader.

Silent'star clears his throat, "Pitter'paw do you promise to up hold the warrior code and care for all of Mountain clan warriors, even if death if your fate?"

Pitter'paw nods once, puffing up his fur and standing a bit taller. "Then I Silent'star name you Pitter'bug Mountain clan's new medicine cat." Silent'star finishes, as there are a few cheers from the crowd.

"As for you Wise'Crow, you can head to the elder den. You have rightfully served this clan well and have earned the title of elder amongst your fellow warriors." Wise'Crow growls and storms off into the crowd, his tail flicking with her anger.

"Now then, I must be heading off. Cloud'tail I trust that you can handle things hear?" Silent'star asks the new Deputy. Cloud'tail nods and bows his head.

"You have my word Silent'star." The young Deputy says. With that Silent'star leaps off the stump, "Clan dismissed." He growls as he passes by everyone, leaving the young Deputy to fend for himself amongst an angry crowd of warriors.

Rise of Silent'Star, Tale of the Giant fallWhere stories live. Discover now