Tale of the Giant fall~Part 2

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It's been a few moons since Silent'star took over Mountain clan. His power over the clan had only grown since he had been given his nine lives. Cloud'tail his young Deputy had been doing well for a cat his age, despite what the other warriors thought. Leading the patrols and bringing back fresh kill almost every other night, Cloud'tail had become a cherrieshed deputy.

Pitter'bug had slowly slipped into being the clan's main medicine cat. He was still learning, but Wise'Crow was beside him every step of the way. Being the sneaky old she-cat, she was, Wise'Crow simply pretended to be sick or injured  anytime Pitter'bug needed her.

But also because both cats enjoyed each other's company despite them having to continue Pitter'bug's training behind Silent'star's back.

"All cats old enough to climb the rocky hillside and catch their own prey gather for a clan meeting!" Silent'star yowled on top of the blackened tree stump. All of the other cats slowly and sleepily made their way out from their warm nests and sat in front of their leader.

Even the cats who had been out hunting, came quickly being within ear shot of the camp. Cloud'tail lept onto the small rock beside the stump, "Quiet down Mountain clan." He barked over the noisey crowd, before gazing up towards Silent'star.

Silent'star waited till everyone was silent before he spoke, "We have several things to discuss Mountain clan. First off we have several kits who need to become apprentices and several reports of fox sightings near camp. However, there is one matter that I must take care of now. Wise'Crow, step forward now." Silent'star growled.

Wise'Crow cursed under her breath, gingerly padding her way up to where Silent'star was. Her eyes holding in a firey hatred towards the leader, Silent'star was going to ruin the clan and kill off anyone who tried to stop him.

Whispers spread around the other cats as the aged medicine cat stood in front of Star clan and everyone. All eyes were on her and Silent'star. "Now Wise'Crow, while I respect you for your loyalty to Mountain clan. I don't appreciate you going behind my back and helping Pitter'bug with his duties. I specifically made you an elder and loyal elders don't go behind my back!" The lead cat spat.

Wise'Crow stood tall, almost puffing herself up. "I told you Pitter'bug needed more time to train under me, but you didn't listen!" The she hissed, her fur bristled with rage. Silent'star hissed back, his massive form towering over the smaller feline. His gnarly fangs exposed as a nasty snarl crossed his face.

"How dare you speak to me with such disrespect.." Clentching his jaws tightly, Silent'star unsheathed his claws, dragging them over the wooden stump. "You would do well to hold your tongue she-cat." He spat.

Wise'Crow yowled in response taking a swipe at Silent'star with her claws. Her sharp claws making quick work of one of Silent'star's eyes, as a patch of fur is ripped out as well. Silent'star let out a loud meow as he staggers backwards from the sering pain, blood begins to pour down from his eye-socket.

"Traitor!" Silent'star yelled. "That she-cat is a traitor! She tried to kill me!" The tom bellows, blood still gushing from his open wound. The other warriors begin to circle around Wise'Crow.

Cloud'tail hissed at Wise'Crow, "How dare you strike Silent'star!" More angry growls and meows could be heard coming from the other warriors. Wise'Crow hissed back at Cloud'tail, her back fur bristling up high, her tail puffed up between her legs.

"He's no leader of mine!" The she-cat hissed in response. "My leader was killed by that mouse brain!" She spat. Cloud'tail took a swipe at Wise'Crow, just barely managing knick her ear with a claw.

"Exile!" Silent'star yells. "I Silent'star hear by exile you Wise'Crow! You are no longer welcomed here rougue. Now, get out before we make you!" He hissed. Wise'Crow staggered backwards, blood running down from her torn ear. All around her, angry yowls and growls rumbled from her once clan mates.

"Leave Wise'Crow!" Someone shouts, "Yeah get lost Rouge!" Another one yells. Wise'Crow fearing for her own safety turns and flees from the camp, a few of the other warriors chasing after her. They watch as she runs down the rocky slopes, before disappearing into the treeline beneath the camp.

"Cloud'tail." Silent'star barks. "Send out three of our warriors. Send them to each of the other clan's, have them say, that we recently exiled a dangerous black she-cat. That any Warrior who comes across her, should be aware, she is extremely dangerous and eats kits."

Cloud'tail nods and drops his head, "Of course Silent'star."

Rise of Silent'Star, Tale of the Giant fallWhere stories live. Discover now