Chapter two

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Carson's Point of View

You can't tell if your surrounded by good people. Nobody expects of you to be a freak. A mutant that walks the streets.

I don't have friends not family, only those of the association. They accepted me since the massacre of my family.

Well I can't tell I was a victim, since I was the guilty one. Thanks to my anger and rage, my family died that day.

Since then "The SP League" had helped me control myself and my cursed gift. They accepted me, with all my sins and mistakes. Even Professor Andrew, the instructor and founder of the association.

He taught me that no matter where you go, you will always find bad people. But you need to choose wisely, cause that bad person you'll turn him good.

He said that our powers are not a curse, but a blessing God gave us. To not make the world out own, but to coexist with others.

'Carson where are you?', Thomas appears in my head as he talks to me mentally.

'Right now I'm at the top of a building why?' I say as I looked down the hovercrafts, planes and cars in the busy futuristic streets of New York.

'Remember we need to protect the Sp-human that's in the building in front of you. If he shows his powers you now the exterminators would get to him' he says warning myself of the dangers of using our powers.

Since our race got out to the public eye, the exterminators had built a giant radar that locates certain anomalies. You guys are right, our powers.

Since we go 'out', people had been afraid of us, even terrified. The Double XL Gene is the one specific for the alteration of the human body. Giving it special capabilities and qualities. It only happens when the Gene is active in a person, but if it doesn't activate, you can live a normal life.

The Exterminators are a special armed force, under the wing of the world most important governments, to prevent the Sp-humans to do unnecessary or dangerous things. Some of us gets killed, by being to dangerous.

But for the public eye, their heroes. Taking out their dangerous threat, us.

'Don't worry I won't let nothing happen to him, or the people inside' I assured him.

We protect Sp-humans that's right, but normal people don't have the strength enough to protect themselves from the exterminators. They also take what belongs to them, not like robbing or stealing. But taking something more emotional.

Including family members. Friends. People they love.

And maybe they treat them as ugly as us. But anyways we haven't seen a case were exterminators attack or kill humans. That should be just awful and outrageous and as they say they would never do it. As Thomas leaves my mind, I stand up to stretch my limbs. The crack from not making any movement with them, sounding very clear.

'Whoa the falls very tall and heavy' I say as I look at the bottom of the building were people pass walking.

I have until 11 to protect the sp-human. Until the raid of exterminators walk into the streets.

Exterminators are like the army, but defending the humans from the SP's. They don't know that we also have feelings, that we care for our mistakes and our most loved ones. Sometimes exterminators kill Sp-humans saying that they were a threat and it was necessary.

Bullshit, some Sp-humans were just defending themselves or the people they loved. And like I said they try to kill someone who's very dangerous.

As I feel myself ready to jump, I walk backwards. Positioning myself to run, I sprinted forward until I'm falling down the building.

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