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I woke up and got changed into outfit above and left for breakfast I walked in and saw nick with Kurt I was walking over but I was stopped by will goode "hi I'm will" he said extending his hand for me to shake it " hey I'm y/n" I smiled and shook it "so do you maybe wanna sit with me and my friends?" He asked I was hesitant "pleaseeeeeeee" he said giving me puppy dog eyes and fake frowning "okay fine" I smiled and sat with them I kept seeing nick looking at us like he was worried I would fall in love with will but whatever. we were all talking "hey wanna play kiss,marry,hug?" A girl named Becky asked "okayyy sure" I said "okay" will said everybody agreed "okay y/n kiss Mary hug nick,Kurt,tommy" a girl named Annie asked " hug tommy,kiss Kurt and marry Nick" I giggled looking straight at him will rolled his eyes "okay someone ask me" will said "okay kiss marry hug Becky,Annie and y/n" a girl named lily asked "okay um hug Becky, kiss Annie and marry y/n"
He smirked I was shocked but just smiled at him "okay I'm gonna go get water" I said getting up "okay" they all said and I went to get water Nick glared at me but I was confused as to why? but I just went back and sat with them "um we gotta go do something" will said anxiously "okay" I smiled and they all left. A few minutes pasted and we heard a scream I went running so fast and I saw ziggy tied up to a tree with will,Becky,Annie and Shelia "Let her down!" Nick yelled I guess him and Kurt followed me "so what happened here" I asked confused "she stole shelias money y/n I can explain" will said "whatever,ziggy did you take it?" I asked genuinely "NO!" She yelled " that's it Berman three strikes you're out" Kurt said pissed off " I'm out? they just tried to murder me!" Ziggy screamed back " and we will deal with them but get back to camp and call Mommy and you're done at nightwing" Kurt said "how about we let this one slide? What happens if they see the burn on her arm,huh? Them who's in trouble" nick said trying to reason with Kurt "okay fine 1 more strikes and you're out for real you hear me berman" Kurt asked " wow being bossed around by a goode somethings never change" she walked away and me and nick looked at each other and walked away together "are you mad at me?" I asked stopping him "no it's just you're starting to get Close will and I'm scared we won't be friends anymore"(also they're not dating.......yet😏) "nick that'll never happen plus dont worry about me dating him I like someone" I said giving him a sympathetic smile "okay" he smiled we got back to came and will saw me "oh y/n!" He said running over he grabbed my hand "did you here what happened with tommy?" He asked "no what happened?" I asked worried "nurse lane attacked him with a knife hes fine but she's going to jail" will said and he scoffed "oh my God that's terrible" I said looking around for tommy i saw him and ran "be right back!" I yelled while running "omg are you okay?!?" I asked worried "yeah Mary just tried to kill me" he said creeped out "holy shit" then the police came over so I left

Time skip
It was time for diner so I rushed to the mess hall I entered and I went and sat with will and his friends "so y/n who do you like at the moment" Becky asked me "um well it's this one guy he has brownish black hair" I said blushing that when will cut me off by kissing me I pulled away "im so sorry if I showed you the wrong signs but I like nick!" I yelled and ran out


Should I discontinue? Or do you guys enjoy this story? If you want me to keep going <3 stay safe<3

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