Chapter One | Part One - The Malfoy Boy

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                                                                         Selene's POV

I drew back the curtains in my bedroom of our main estate. I don't know why we came back here so early because there were still a few days left of summer and my father had been trying to avoid staying in the main city. I guess being the most feared and searched after wizard would do that to somebody.

Honestly, I thought we were going to spend the whole year in Italy. Our house there is nice, and I take all my classes from an online magic school in the United States, yet here we are, back home even though the summer is not over yet. I can't really complain though. The Riddle Manor in London was at least three times the size of our estate in Italy.

My London bedroom was larger and grander. My king sized four poster bed sat against the center of the wall across from the door. Large windows on either side of it. Bookshelves upon bookshelves of books on magic and forbidden spells lined the walls. My desk was across the room from them with my cauldron and fireplace next to it. An intricate rug covered the floor at the foot of my bed. I looked up from the floor to see my personal house elf Daisey peering in the door.

"Lady Selene, I brought you some breakfast if you would like it. They prepared fresh eggs, bacon, and pancakes in the kitchen. Although, I can have them prepare something else if you wish." I smiled as the smell wafted in through the cracked door.

"Bacon, eggs, and pancakes sound splendid, Daisey. Would you mind bringing them in and just leaving them on the desk while I grab a few books?" Out of all the people I talked to on a weekly basis, Daisey, my father and Marceline were the only ones I didn't want to throw spells at just to get them to leave me alone. Honestly, out of all the people I talked to, I was only truly nice to Daisey. My entire life Daisey had always been right there getting me whatever I asked for, no matter how difficult or random. I've always felt like the least I could do to thank her was to be polite.

"Of course!" She exclaimed now beaming. She was likely proud of herself for guessing what I wanted for breakfast correctly. Daisey was carrying in the plates of food while I walked across the room to my bookshelves. I had brought a few books to Italy but read them quickly and forgot most of the others I wanted to bring. I ended up spending most of the summer working on my Spotify playlists and Instagram aesthetic. Marceline and I made a few TikToks together but considering we did the same things everyday there wasn't very much to post about. I pulled down two books about potions and one book about self-defense spells. If I were going to come home a few days before my classes start I might as well get ahead.


After eating my breakfast I checked my phone and saw two things. The first being that Marceline had texted me a few times and the second being that it was already nine in the morning. I unlocked my phone to read the texts from Marceline. It wasn't anything too important, just her telling me that father was inviting his "court" over for lunch and that he wanted to talk to me beforehand. The Death Eaters would be arriving around 12:30. That gave me three hours to get myself sorted out because it was almost a guarantee father would want me present for the meeting. Nothing happened without me and Marceline knowing, and most of the Death Eaters were below us and had to treat us how they treated our father.

I entered the bathroom looking into the mirror to assess my hair and face. My just below shoulder length wavy black hair was a bit messy but just needed a good brush and to be pulled back from my face. My bright blue eyes were vibrant as always and my full lips were looking good as ever.

Before getting ready I looked at myself for a moment later and noted all the differences between me and Marceline. Although we're twins we look nothing alike. Her hair is long and blonde and she has green eyes. Looking at the two of us side-by-side we seem more likely cousins than twins. Enough marveling at your own beauty, I thought, and started getting ready.

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