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Y/n expected to be dead. They expected to wake up somewhere strange. A kind of void or limbo. That's how Tommy had described what death was like. They’d fallen into the water in the middle of a storm, how could they not be dead.

Y/n opened their eyes and sat up with a groan. God, everything hurt. They looked around the place they were in, eyes adjusting to the light. They were in a cave, illuminated with green-blue light. Y/n couldn’t locate the source of the light but assumed it was from the water. The walls marbled with light when the water moved.

Tommy always said that there was one way to check if you're in Limbo. Y/n stood slowly, using their hand to brace themself. Their legs wobbled a bit as they walked towards the edge of the rock area they were on when they came to. They dipped their toes into the cool water.

“Stop.” a voice loudly echoed through the cave, making Y/n jump away from the water. They tumbled back and hit the stone floor, using both their arms and legs to scramble away from the water.

“Who’s there?!” Y/n whisper yelled, their own voice reverberating around the small cavern. Their back was pushed against the far stone wall of the cave.

Y/n heard splashes somewhere further in the cave. After a few minutes of silence, they crept back to the water.

"Uh-uh." Tutted the voice. Y/n huffed and stood back from the water, instead reaching for a rock that was loose on the ground. They hurled it into the water, sending it as far as they could with a flick of their wrist.

"Don't do that." The voice growled.

Y/n sighed and retreated to the point of the cave furthest from the water. All of their clothes had dried out by now, which made them wonder how long they'd been out.

Fetching a knife from their belt, they cut away part of their shirt and laid it on the floor. Standing up straight, they looked all around the cave, looking for any source of wood for a fire.

They saw a trail of little rocks in the water, leading leftwards. They shrugged and walked towards it. Can't be any worse from the position I'm already in…

Opening another pouch on their belt, they grabbed some beef jerky and held onto it with their teeth, chewing it, before they jumped onto the first rock.

There was about a metre between each rock, which Y/n could easily jump. It was the landing they were worried about.

They jumped the next three rocks before sitting down and catching their breath.

"Why are you here!?" The voice loudly exclaimed. "I don't know, mysterious voice. I'd much rather be at home right now!" Y/n snapped back, getting sick of this.

They looked around a little. There was water on both sides of them, making this a little more nerve racking.

Suddenly, something that felt like fingers brushed up their spine, making them flex their back forward, snapping their neck up and freezing. It felt like they were trapped in place.

"I'll ask again…" the voice was much closer now, almost in Y/n's ear. A hand snaked up their neck, holding the bottom of their jaw, forcing them to look straight ahead.

"Why. Are. You. Here." Y/n could feel the breath of the voice against their neck.

"I ju-just wan-nted to fin-d some fire woo-d-d.." Y/n stuttered out, feeling trapped.

The hand snapped away from their neck and a loud splash followed. Y/n's entire body relaxed.

"Continue on the path you're on. You'll reach a grove. Take only the wood on the floor."

Y/n simply nodded and stood up. They quickly ran over the rest of the rocks, coming soon upon a beautiful sight.

The tree was basked in late daylight from the sun in the overhead chasm, the tree being the only part of the grove illuminated. The light seemed so far away.

There were pools of water and a channel around the tree. Looking closer, Y/n saw the channel went deeper than it looked.

Y/n saw the sticks on the ground below the tree. They took a deep breath and jumped over the water.

Their feet landed on soft grass. Rubbing their eyes, they started to pick up wood.

Y/n didn't feel exactly safe in the quiet grove, so they hopped back to the stone platform as quickly as possible. They knew that they had about two days of rations in their belt if they didn't lose anything when they fell in the water, - which they still wonder if they were alive, but the slight chance they were - they still needed a fire.

Setting up a small set up to start a fire and grabbing their flint and steel off their belt, they struck the two pieces together, trying to get the sparks to light the piece of fabric perched on the top of the sticks.

A loud, wet sounding thud came from behind them and they turned to see a fresh salmon lying a few metres away from them.

They struck the flint one more time, the sparks flying into the wood and other kindling. Y/n then scooched over the fish and grabbed it. They knew how to cut fish, that being one of the few things they could eat on the Ariella whilst they were at sea.

They pulled back out their knife, cutting away the inedible bits and stabbing a leftover stick into the fish. Taking one other stick, Y/n poked at the fire to get it going.

-- after Y/n eats --

Y/n threw the dirty fish stick into the large fire they'd made. Walking over to the furthest place from the water, on the other side of the fire. They lied down and looked out, letting the soreness they'd been ignoring all day soak in.

Y/n woke up to feel soaked clothing pressing onto their skin. They jolted awake and felt something slimy wrapped around their bare waist, where they had to rip their shirt. They were half submerged in the water and over five metres away from the stone shore they'd fallen asleep on.

They tried to push themself out of the water but got tugged back down. Their mind raced, thinking what could have gotten them here. Y/n purposely slept as far away from the water as possible. How were they in it?

They tried and tried to push themself towards the stone land but felt an electrical shock and a tug back every time they got close to the stone.

Y/n didn't stop trying for what felt like hours. A rumbling laugh echoed through the cave, bouncing off every surface.

"I wouldn't keep trying that…" the voice laughed. Y/n sat up in the water, clutching their knees to their chest.

"Please just tell me who you are…" they whimpered out, so sick of this cave. They just wanted to be back on the Ariella.

"You'll have to find that out yourself, darling…" splashes echoed through the cavern. "Until you do figure it out, I wouldn't advise touching that belt."

Once the echoes of the voice died away, that was it.

Y/n unfurled their legs and looked down to examine the belt-like thing around their waist. It was around the level of their belly button. Last night they'd ripped off part of their lower shirt, but now it was gone all the way around their waist.

Their boots and part of the lower leg of their pants were missing too.

They hugged their knees and rested their head on their knees.

How the fuck am I getting out of this one?


•1313 words•

So I just did that. Time to sleep ig.

Love you all!

Crib my beloved ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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