7 years

9 0 0

You look out the window at the street below. Karl laying in bed. You then look up at the stars glancing at the patters and shapes they make illuminating the night sky. You feel walm arms wrap around you lean into them falling into Karl's chest. He holds you tighter as you look out the big window with millions of stars, cars and lights from other people's homes peeking through the glass.

Karl leans over turning the faint music up. Next this you hear the song 7 years by Lucas Graham ply over the speaker

' I made the man so happy when I wrote a letter once
I hope my children come and visit, once or twice a month
Soon I'll be 60 years old, will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me
Soon I'll be 60 years old'

You then you head to face Karl. You dug into his chest as you peacefully listened to the music and the sound of the street below. You look up to see Karl look at you he pulled you in colder at the eye contact. You have never felt so much comfort before.

Sorry it's short lol

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