Mission Paw Pt. 3

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At the lookout

The pups were outside playing frisbee to past the time.

"Hey Rocky! Throw it to me!" Marshall called out.

"Alright here goes!" Rocky said as he threw the frisbee to Marshall.

The frisbee was a bit too high for Marshall so he started chasing it.

"I got it! I got it!" Marshall yelled as he ran after it but tripped and fell on Skye.

"I don't got it..." Marshall said, "Sorry Skye... Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Skye said to Marshall.

"Sheesh Marshall... Watch where you are going next time dude." Zuma said to him.

"I know..... Sorry again Skye." Marshall said softly.

"It's okay Marshall. I know you didn't mean to." Skye said

"I think we should do something else." Rubble said to the pups.

"Yeah... But what?" Rocky asked.

"Wanna play Pup-Pup Boogie?" Rubble asked.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Zuma said.

The pups went in the lookout to play Pup-Pup Boogie.

At Barkingburg

Chase was guarding the crown while the princess and Earl were sleeping.

"Man... This is boring..." Chase thought, "I want some action..."

Right after saying that, a toy mouse went right by him.

"Halt!" He called out but then realized it was just a toy. "Heh, it's just a toy." He said to himself.

Right after the mouse went by Chase, two kittens started chasing after it and because of Chase's allergy to cats, he started sneezing violently because of em.

"Oh come on..." Chase mentally cursed.

"Aachooo!" He sneezed but unfortunately, it wasn't over as they ran by him again...

"Not again..." He groaned.

"AACHOOOO!" This time, his sneeze launched him right into the laser beams, used to detect if anyone came near the crown, and set the alarm off.

"That's my queue." Sweetie thought and quickly used her vacuum snatcher (or whatever it is) to grab the crown.

"This pup's so good at being bad." Sweetie said to herself before running off.

Chase on the other hand, went to turn off the alarm he accidentally set off. Not long after, the princess and the Earl came running down the stairs and to their surprise, the crown was gone...

"The crown!" The princess yelled, "It's gone!"

Chase groaned and was disappointed that he wasn't able to stop the thief from taking the crown...

"Are you kidding me??? The one time I lose focus is when the crown disappears..." Chase mentally groaned, "Those kittens made me sneeze so I couldn't see who took it." Chase told the princess but then he picked up a scent.

"But now I think I got the scent of the thief!" Chase called out while sniffing the floor, "The thief went this way!" He said then ran off to find the thief.

"Finally, Some action!" Chase thought, "Whoever stole the crown is screwed."

While following the scent, he activated his heat visor to see if he could find footprints of anyone. But to his surprise, he found... Paw prints...

"Paws? Interesting..." Chase said to himself.

He then followed the paw prints around a corner and was shocked to see...

"Sweetie?" Chase said in a shocked tone, "You took the royal crown?"

"That's Queen Sweetie to you. And yes, I took it... But I will make sure everyone thinks you did." She laughed after saying that final statement.

"Uh huh... Well we'll see about that." Chase said back, "I'm calling for backup!"

Chase activated his pup tag and called Ryder for backup.

To be continued.........

Just kidding...

At the lookout

Ryder was playing games on his pup-pad when he got a call from Chase.

"Ryder, this is Chase." He heard Chase say through the call.

"Hey Chase. What's up?" Ryder greeted.

"The crown was taken!" Chase said through the call, "But I caught the thief and *____*"

The call was suddenly cut which left Ryder in a confused and worried state.

"Chase? Chase?!" Ryder tried to get back in contact with Chase but wasn't able to...

At the castle

Chase tried calling Ryder for backup, but Sweetie used her snatcher to grab his pup-tag and hide it in her pup-pack.

"You really need backup to get me? One pup? Wow... You are pathetic." Sweetie taunted which made Chase really upset...

"You are going to regret that." Chase said with anger in his tone.

"Oh make me. You wouldn't hurt a girl would you?" Sweetie said to him.

Chase didn't say anything but just stood there with anger in his eyes.

"I don't know what the other pups see in you... You are weak and pathetic. HA! You even have a crush on Skye... Face it... She would never love a pup like you. You are too weak to get her." Sweetie laughed

Chase's face softened a bit after Sweetie said those about him...

"I don't even know why the princess loves you so much... You are nothing."

"You are pathetic."

"You are weak."

"You are nothing but a failure.'

"The Paw Patrol is better off without you."

"Skye will never love you."

"She doesn't deserve you."

"Just stop trying and give up."

All of these statements made Chase start to lose himself... He was giving in to everything she said about him...

"She's right... Skye doesn't deserve me... She will never love me..." Chase thought.

Sweetie saw the sad look on Chase's face and laughed.

"Haha, what's wrong? You know it's the truth." She said.

Chase just remained silent...

"You can't do anything without your team. They are better off without you." Sweetie continued.

"When God is with me, I can do anything... I don't need a team... I only need faith in God." Chase countered. "God loves me. He is there when I am weary. He is there when I am sad... He is always there for me... He cares for me. I won't give up... It just makes me an easier target for the enemy..."

Sweetie didn't say anything after that but used her pincer arm to pull a candle which opened a secret trap door right underneath Chase causing him to fall in.

"Good riddance." Sweetie said to herself, "He's stuck there now so he can't mess up my plan." And with that, Sweetie went to the princess leaving Chase in the dungeon with no way out...

Or so she thought...

I had a depression issue so I wasn't really able to publish that much but I got this chapter out which is great. Updates would be really late though so yeah... Peace 😎✌

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