Until we meet again

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           Ruv's p.o.v: I was alone,murdering for justice. No one cared if I did the right thing,so I ran as far away from the копы (cops) as I could,it was no use,until a found a little church in the town where I used to resign as a boy. I knocked and this amazingly short nun answered. "Hello sir! How are you? Would you like to join the church? I nodded,as I had no other choice. She looked and sounded familiar.

             Sarv's p.o.v: "Okay! Would you like to keep you're clothes?" I still hadn't seen the boy who I'd promise to see again. "No...Sorry I want to stay in my clothes." Wait! You're the boy f-from th posters I'm sorry but I am not allowed to let you in "W-wait!" He said "I did the right thing those people we're evil!" I thought about it for a minute. "U-uhm...Come in,but HIDE!" I said. I watched him thank me. He never smiled though. Such a familiar face,could it be him? 

                Ruv's p.o.v: "So,you're name?" I asked "H-huh?" She stuttered "I said you're name dunce!" "Well sorry if you're accent sound horrible!" That hit a soft spot in me. She was angry but calmed down. "So SIR,my name is Sarv. Yours?" "Ruv." I rolled my eyes "Such attitude!""Shut the hell up NUN!" From that point on we got into consent arguments. We hand to sleep together.  She would always fall off the bed or talk about the harm we cause each other. Morning cam and I always apologized but the another argument. "The food is too cold Sarv!" I guess I went to far. I saw her rip her crosses off her head. "Shut the hell up Ruv!" Wings sprouted. This scared me. I was usually not the one for intimidation but this.."S-sarv?" "No Ruv! Shut up! I try so hard for you!" She began crying "I-...I'm sorry." She looked at me and went to the main room. I heard her pray for a better relationship. I wanted to give that to her so badly,I just couldn't. 

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