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   Sarv's p.o.v: I walked past our room. Ruv was sitting in bed,looking through his phone. "hmm? Whats this?" I poked my head through the door "Hi Ruv!" He turned his head over "Hello Sarv." He tried to smiled,which ultimately failed, as always. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked asked looking over at his phone "Talking to an old friend." He said.

       Ruv's p.o.v: She smiled "Is it the one you've been looking for since you were a child?!" "No." I said "Oh." I explained to her that it was one of my friends that I'd met while spending time in Russia. "Oh,what's his name?" She asked "Tabi. He looks sorta like a goat head,with invisible body." She was confused "H-huh? Well okay...Are you visiting him...Is he coming here?" I nodded "He's coming with his boyfriend." "Alright I'll make dinner!"

    Sarv's p.o.v: I began to cook. I was very excited! As I finished up in the kitchen the bell rang "Oh that must be them!" I opened the door "Oh,is Ruv here?" He asked "Of course! You must be Tabi! Welcome to the church!" I look at me. The boy behind him smiled "Hello! What about me? I'm Agoti!" I smiled "And hello to you to Agoti!" I  escorted them downstairs to where Ruv was.

     Ruv's p.o.v: "Oh hey!" I said to Tabi "That's...Agoti?" I asked "Yes, appearntly it stands for 'A Guy On The Internet." He said. I nodded "Well I brought some Vodka..Want some?" He asked "No I don't drink." He laughed "Same old Ruv eh?" I nodded "You don't talk much." Agoti said. He was like Tabis shadow. "No I don't." He began looking around "Hey whats that smell? Smells like chicken..." I looked at him "Oh yes Sarv made us food." He dashed up stairs. Me and Tabi talked to eachother until nightfall, when they left.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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