Bacon and Eggs (with a Bagel and Orange Juice)

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Y/N tries to sleep but is hearing the world end outside their room aka breakfast being made. "SNRNTJDNRNFJFIDI" Y/N says in aloha, Y/N gets out of bed and looks around. Clothing isn't necessary but Y/N looks like a wet hairless rat without clothes so clothes are necessary. Y/N went over to their closet and used telekinesis to open it. "GUUHUHHHH" Y/N says, thinking of an outfit. Eventually Y/N chooses an outfit and puts on. The outfit was Ronald McDonald's outfit. Y/N then went to over to their vanity (I'm listening to "from a person who will die in 3 days" not to flex) and put on a cute Jessica wig.

Y/N left their room and went to the kitchen where there was Kirumi making the most tastiest meal you can ever have and everyone can enjoy such a meal. Kirumi puts the plates down on the table and then violently vibrates. The other 15 kids come levitating downstairs. "GOW MOM, THSMKS FOR th3 MEAL!!!1!" The one and only Kokichi Ouma says. They all sit down and look their food then to Kirumi. Y/N takes a seat and then looks to Kirumi. Kirumi sits down and then puts her hands together to do their daily praying. Everyone does the same and puts their hands together. "Today we would like to thank our lord and savior, Big Bertha the worm, for having died to save us all from a stick. You are honored in school grounds, buried with a tree which is your memorial. We wish you safe journey into the worm afterlife, amen." Kirumi says. "Amen" the others follow up to her.

They all started eating. "Wowow Kirumom this food'sssssss good!" Kaede(NOT KEADE) says. "Kirumi if I could have your babies we'd have more babies than Valentina Vassilyev!" Tenko says with a woman face. KiruMAMA chuckle a bit at Tenko's words(plural). Nobody found Tenko's words weird even though saying this would be very weird to say when you eat breakfast.

They all finished their delicious breakfast which was bacon and eggs with a bagel and orange juice. Most of the kids have left already and Y/N had decided to go to their ultimate talent's room. Y/N sighed since their room was far quite and they didn't want to walk the distance with the equivalent of the Great Wall of China. Kirumi walky uppy to Y/N "Hey? Do you need help with anything?" Kirumi sayie to Y/N(ie/y) "I need to go over to me talent room, y'know? Wanna come with me?" Y/N sayie to Kirumommy. "Sure" Kirumi nods to Y/N and they walkie over to Y/N's talent lab.

(Epic cliffy hanger!!!! Idk what their talsnt is gonna be I'll just think of it when i write the next chapter.)

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