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One week later~

The past week went away in a blink of an eye but boy was it good? It was great. Taehyung being the totally opposite of his real self. In short, Taehyung started being good to everyone well except for the teachers. I don't know when he will agree to that one.
On the other hand, Jungkook would meet me in the breaktime and we would have lunch together. We have gotten close to some extend. I really like that cute smile of his.

Right now the whole class was shouting and making a chaos as it usually does because Mam Eun ho was late for class. I turn to look at my table partner. He was dozing off in class. I was about to shake his shoulder to wake him up but stopped midway. 
Why did I never notice this before? I thought to myself. He is really cute. Taehyung is just like a kid when sleeping.
The next moment mam enters the class and slams her books on the table resulting in everyone to go quiet and Taehyung waking up slowly with his eyes still half closed.
Taehyung: Did the class end?
Y/n: Dude, it literally just started five minutes ago.
He looks at me with half-wide eyes and pouts.
Taehyung: I don't wanna study today. I feel so sleepy.
I take a brief minute to notice Taehyung. His self looked worn-out, bags evident under his eyes. He really looked tired and seems like he did not sleep at all last night or even nights.
Not trying to be nosy but still I ask him anyway.
Y/n: Why did you not sleep last night?
Taehyung: Well thats- wait how do you know?
He looks at me with a surprising look on his face.
Y/n: You see eyes speak too and yours are so beau-
My eyes go wide and I stop myself as I instantly realize what I was gonna say. Not me almost praising his eyes, he would definitely make fun of it.
Taehyung: What? I did not hear you.
Why this teacher is yelling? I am out of here.
He mumbles loud enough to be audible to me.
Y/n: Where-
Before I can ask him he stands up from his seat and excuses himself to go to the bathroom.
Mam finally speaks up telling us about the incoming project. She starts to sort out the students into a group of two.

Few minutes later~
You see right now, I am sitting next to Jungkook. Why? Well my seat partner is not in the class (and is probably roaming in the corridors) Mam decided to pair me up with Jungkook.
I feel a light tap on my shoulder. 
Jungkook: Y/n?
I turn sideways to face him, trying my best to supress a wide smile which was trying to make its way onto my face. 
Y/n: Yes, Jungkook.
Jungkook: So what to  do about the project? Do you want to do it with Taehyung instead?
Y/n: No its totally fine. I don't mind doing the project with you. It will be fun I guess.
His face lightens up almost immediately on hearing my reply and his bunny smile appears.

One class later~
Taehying finally comes back to the after one whole class and plops down in his seat tiredly. What was he doing all this time? There was a weird smell comimg from him. What was it? Something burnt-
Wait he smokes?
I wanted to ask him about it but what if he gets about it and I am not someone so close to him so I have no right to butt in his matters but still. Maybe someday we will be close to each other too.

Sometime ago~
Taehyung's POV:
I was returning back from the bathroom after washing my face. I hardly had any sleep last few days and I am so tired today. I was about to enter the class but I stop midway to look at something through the window of the class which caught my eye. Y/n with Jungkook.
Why is she so happy whenever she is with him?
Does she have feelings for him?
She rarely smiles infront of me. I am trying to be good only for her but she does not care about me...

I turn around and make my way to the rooftop. I sit down with my back resting against a wall and take out the pack of cigarettes from my jeans back pocket and lit one of them holding it close to my lips, blowing sweet smoke into the cool air. I extinguished my cigarette, then went for another one.

To be continued. . .

"Why is no one happy around me? I deserve happiness too."


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Luv yall , my cuties 💜♥️

See you next time.👋

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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