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PINNED: 26th January 2022: Silly me, I was, or is it I am today's year old, when I discovered wattpad sends a notification of a previously published chapter that has been updated, to those that have a book in personal library. I can only imagine how many updates the few who currently have it have suffered at my hands. You are free to ignore them. I mostly reread my chapters, looking for typos or better sentence structure, or word use, I promise. If a major change is added I will make it known here, in notice, which I doubt will happen until am done. And even then, it will be months after, after story has faded from mind, so I can see it with fresh eyes.

1) I don't know why, but after a while, when I check back some chapters, Wattpad convert all my; en dashes - to hypens -

2) Same thing with paragraphs, it's removed. In some chapters. Don't know the reason for this

3) In short; it scrambles my formatting

4) Also, due to circumstances which are no excuse, you may encounter errors in spelling, wrong use of words, and punctuation. This was not by design. Still not an excuse. Be kind, and let me know if you encounter any. In due time, I'll perform a more thorough edit.

5) Open to corrections on grammar and the use of words, as long as it done on a good note. Not jibe or mocks of any kind. I'm open to learn, if you can teach, I'll listen.

Update 6th January 2022: though not finished with the book yet. The direction it's going to take is pretty more cleared up. Work eats up chunks of my time and mental energy, will need to squeeze in time to write.
I'll begin the edits on chapters 1 to 11, while also pushing forward from 12 to early twenties, my desired chapter limit.
Given I now understand the story much better than when I started.
The chapters 8-11 spurred the edit, felt like the tone at the beginning no longer matched up. Or might be just me.

Nothing much will change, and frankly the major changes will come after this first draft is done. Yes this is a first.

For now, all char. remain the same. What changes will be the manner the MC tells the story.

I suffer from excess use of punctuations, and extremely long sentences. Something I'm glad to say I have cut down, though I can't accurately say — is at least down to 50%. True talk.

Current chapter 1 may become chapter 2, after a few tweaks; or may remain chapter 1, and I'll insert a prologue.

I'm doing this so everything flows in the same direction, with the same tone and style.

Update 7th January 2022: prologue added

Update 7th January 2022: revised chapter 1

26th January 2022: Silly me, I was, or is it I am today's year old, when I discovered wattpad sends a notification of a previously published chapter that has been updated, to those that have a book in personal library. I can only imagine how many updates the few who currently have it have suffered at my hands. You are free to ignore them. I mostly reread my chapters, looking for typos or better sentence structure, or word use, I promise. If a major change is added I will make it known here, in notice, which I doubt will happen until am done. And even then, it will be months after, after the months has faded from mind, so I can see it with fresh eyes.

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