Chapter Seven

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TIME was a strange thing. The sun was an ever present ball of light in the sky; an eternal daytime. Abigail said it's been three days, according to earth's time since she arrived. Wherein she was left to her thoughts. Scientists would have a field day trying to decipher the physics of this world. Abigail had laughed at that.

    "There's no physics to decipher. This is a domain; a space set aside by the three faced god. It's an endless plane within the infinite cosmos. It adheres to no rules known by man. A rocket, if shot upwards - will never break the atmosphere. The oceans of this world have no end. Set sail, and before your eyes, you shall see new waters come alive. This is the domain of divine beings, designed to house their limitless spirit. We transverse the unending space of Eden, by the mercies of the patrons. Marvel my dear Mabel, you have witnessed the true might of the three faced god."

    This was the power her mother believed in. Yet, sickness had reduced her to fragile thing. No healing had come.

    But here she was, one dip in glowing waters, and she was made whole.

    I must bring mother here.

    Though this world housed limitless spirits; it also housed humans: brewing with agendas.

ABIGAIL kept her word to Abel: she thwarted Celeste's every attempt at cornering her alone. Mabel found she had become an object of fascination; a silent obsession. She was never alone. Eyes stalked her every movement. Grey and white robes, trailed her during her wood walks, like ghosts and spirits. Disappearing behind trees barks and surrounding shrubs, when she swirled at the sound of snapped twigs.

    She'd witnessed a stream of hag-ridden and disheveled persons; emerge at different occasions, from several veils that came to bear, between thick vines that formed green and brown arches. After a word with Abigail on the sightings: Mabel understood the meaning of the order of words - that'd been ascribed to this place.

    Broken, sanctuary, Eden, home, prison.

    A certain air is required of the seeker, Celeste had said.

    Even then, it doesn't rest in their hands.

    A broken spirit. A soul at the edge of a cliff, where jagged rocks and rushing waters lay in wait - for said soul to plummet into. At this point, Anshul reaches out according to his own will and counsel, and offers a passage of light, into the land that becomes a sanctuary. From both man and demons, visible and invisible, that have plagued the soul.

    Under the ministration of healers; the spirit, soul and body are rehabilitated, rejuvenated, according to the degree the person yields. If, and when the mind is restored, and the spirit uplifted, and light once again, bleeds into the darken corners of the heart. The spark of life returns to their eyes, then they see this world for what it is. Eden; a paradise.

    Who lays eyes on paradise, and chooses a world full of strife; hardship, hopelessness, and death. No one. Until her. Then after a time in Eden, it seizes to be just paradise; it translates into home. Yet, it's not a place that breeds idleness.

    You must fill your role in the grand ordination of things. Will you heal; teach; counsel; or will you fight the battle between Order and Chaos. Abel appears to be at the fore-front of this battle.

    "He is blessed, ordained without measure," Abigail had said, "his power, is not of this sphere of existence. Just as it appears yours isn't. But yours is locked away. I hope with all the light in the world, that you break your binds. I wish to see what you become."

    Where does the prison come into play?

    When agencies of affliction are exorcised, they must be locked away. After the great silence; the patron of the eclipsed land dedicated its land and waters, as said prison.

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