Locked up pt1

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Description: A little thing I wanted to write to expand on Tolyn (backstory mostly, going through memories as he's awaiting to be drained) Might do one for Gurjin if there's interest, and their experiences will be vastly different/ parallel each other, hope you enjoy!

The Spriton's body crashed against the stone cold floor of the castle as his lord slammed the cage shut behind him. Quickly, the guard scurried to his feet and grasped the bars of the cell.

"Please, please! You can't do this! I was loyal like the captain said! I did everything I was supposed to! Spare me if no others!" He begged, trying to pull the cell open again, but being stopped dead in his tracks by the metal lock, no longer the rusty mess it had been when he was a childling. These confinements seemed new, as though they had been installed only weeks prior under the guards noses, taunting the Spriton as he struggled to get them loose.

"Idiot gelfling," The General snarled, "If we let you go, you would only tell your companions about our deeds. You are to be silenced." A pit formed in the gelfling's stomach as the words reached his ears, making him sink to the floor in agony as he realized his fate.

"I-I...I've lived my whole life here...please I don't want to die! I can't die! I'm a good gelfling...mercy, I beg of you!" He pleaded. His screams were only met with the jiggling of the Skeksis's belly as his lord let out a sickening laugh, "Foolish gelfling, what a disgusting race to betray your own kind." SkekVar snarled, and with that, he walked down a different hall to tend to more terrified gelfling, leaving Tolyn alone, sitting ideally on the floor.

-How did this happen? How could I have let this happen while I was in charge...- He wondered to himself in desperation. In his own defense, the Spriton thought as he sat on the opposite side of the cell, a place he had never imagine he'd end up in, there was no warning of this before hand...was there?

After a brief moment, his mind began to wander to a simpler time, trying to make sense of his current situation by looking to the past, which he often did, making him feel secure and safe no matter where he found himself. A memory resurfaced of him and Rian, the now accused murderer, chasing each other while arguing throughout the castle.

'RIAN!! Get back here now!' Tolyn yelled to the smug StoneWood, who was sticking his tongue out and holding Tolyn's book of Skeksis Law.

'No way! Not until you admit that what I told you is true!' The youngling insisted, running further away. The twelve trine old was much faster than the Spriton boy, practically outpacing him with ease. His fourteen trine counterpart groaned, 'Rian of Stone-in-the-Wood, there is no secret laboratory in this castle. I will admit what you say is truth when you speak truth.'  He retorted dryly as they ran down a corridor.

Rian pouted, getting further away, the Spriton now hot on his heels. 'You never even let me show you where it is! And can't you get a better book from the scroll keeper's library? We could just sneak in there and we wouldn't be having this argument! A little exploration never killed any gelfling, stick in the gobbles.' Rian teased, tossing the book up in the air before catching it over some mud to worry the older boy. Tolyn tried to lunge for him, but the Stonewood was much too quick and escaped. 'I am not a stick in the gobbles! And we will not be sneaking in anywhere, the lords deserve their privacy and what you propose is VERY disrespectful to them. Drop the book and cease this behavior at once and I promise to not tell your father and continue our studies.' Tolyn said, raising his voice as he desperately tried to keep up.

Rian took a sharp turn, his feet carrying him a different direction, he ran fast, but was cornered at a balcony, Tolyn closing in on him, 'No! I don't wanna! Studies are boring and this book is stupid! I don't like it! Why can't we go on another adventure?' The Stonewood demanded, standing on the railing and hovering the book over the edge.

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