chapter 15

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I sat on his bed. He got the remote and play the movie

He got a big pack of popcorn and gave it to me

He sat beside me. The movie is starting and the beginning only I got scared, but for Marius NO

I covered my eyes

"Hey, its not scary!" He said

"Well it is for me!" I cried out loud

"Just remove your hand from your eyes!" He said as he got my hands

As He removed my hands from my eyes. I quickly shut my eyes.

"Come on!" He cried out loud as he laughed

He tickled me until I open my eyes

"STOOOPP!!!" I cried out loud as I laugh

"NO! until you open your eyes!" He said as he laugh

We kept on laughing


I feel so bored at my room, so I went to Leah's room. I knocked on her door, but no response. I opened her door, but she is not in her room! Then I heard laughing in Marius's room.

It sound like leah and Marius!

I placed my ear near the door

They were laughing and saying



I heard enough.

As I look back, France was at my back

"Ginger! What the hell are you doing?" She asked softly

"Uhhhh... I was just.... Ummm... Scrating my ear on this door!" I said nervously

She made a "Not so sure face ( ̄ヮ ̄)"

"True, well see you in the morning!" She said as she go to her room.

That was a relief! Leah will kill me! If I tell the group that they are having...

Anyways, I really heard enough. I went to my room, locked the door and went to bed


I had enough with the tickling! I opened my eyes!

"FINALLY!" he cried out loud as he laugh

I just laughed

"Don't worry just hold my hand if your scared" he said

"What? I don't get scared!" I said

Then the scary part appeared. I got the blanket and covered my head.

"Okay, scaredy cat. You had enough" he said as he got off the bed

"FINALLY!" I said

He turned of the TV. he jumped on the bed and sat beside me.

"You want to sleep?" He asked

"Yeah" I said as I yawned

"Okay" he said as he turned off the lamp beside him

I laid on the bed also him. We faced each other.

"There's nothing to be afraid of" he said

I smiled

"I love you" he said as he held my hands

"I love you too" I replied

Then we went to sleep.

The next morning

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