chapter 24

36 4 11


Anyways, dodge and I are good best friends even the cool group. The group and I hang out everyday, even with dodge.


So Justin and I were just talking about

while Marius is beside me walking. He didn't really talk that much. Its been awhile in the park. I check my phone, it flashed 6:56 pm. Wow time is fast!

"Oh god," I said

"What? What's wrong?" Justin asked

"I'm really sorry, Justin, but we really need to go"

"Where?" He asked

"At the cinema, just around the corner" I said as I point out

"Oh! What are you going to watch?" He asked

"Um... Uh-" I was searching for the name of the movie

"Unfriended" Marius said quickly

Justin looked at him

"Oh really!?" He asked in surprise

"Uh, yeah" he replied

"Why?" I asked

"Well, because we're going to watch that movie too" justin said

I heard, we're, means that he's not alone

"Are you going to watch? Alone?" I asked

"No, I'm watching with my sister" he said as he looked back

He has a sister?!?

"Leah, meet Maggie." He introduce me to a girl with dark blonde long curly hair, wearing a sleeveless sky blue dress (two inch above the knee) and brown boots. I think she's a year or two year younger than me.

"Nice to meet you" she said as she extended her arm with a smile

"Nice to meet you too" I replied with a smile while shaking her hand

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He said


So we exitedly go to the cinema, as we were walking, leah was quiet. While justin and Maggie were just talking.

I held leah's hand, and she looked at me.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked

She just smirked

"Nothing." She replied looking down,

"Come on, I know your hiding something" I said

"I'm not!" She chuckled

"Really?" I jerkly smile

"Seriously? Non of your buis..." She said

"Okay, lady" I replied

So we walked a cross the road, and arrived at the cinema.


where the fuck is Leah?

Then I saw Leah crossing the road. With Marius and 2 other people.


I saw the group, waiting outside the ticket booth.

"Oh my god! Where have you been?" Ginger complained

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