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The bell chimed above my head, announcing my arrival. Pulling the hood off my head, I reached up to pull my blond waves into a messy bun before John had another fit - it wouldn't be the first time. My body shook as I shrugged out of my leather jacket, leaving me in nothing but a lose fitting knit sweater and my black Vans. My ear buds hung from my neck, ready for use. I felt a smile tug at my lips, the smell of freshly baked brownies never failing to lighten my mood. They really were to die for, every dieting football mums worst nightmare.

My footsteps echoed through the empty store as I made my way around the front counter and through the swinging creme doors. I'm guessing they must have once been a dazzling shade of white, but the years of use and grimy chocolate covered hands must have worn them out. Besides, it helped keep the vintage effect alive. 

           "Hello?" I called out into the kitchen, tossing my coat into one of the spare rooms. "John?" 

Silence. Unsettled, I began to scan the area from my spot, not daring to venture to the darker corners of the room. Forty-six  or not, John was forever looking for the opportunity to jump out at you.

          "That's odd .." I muttered to myself, craning my neck to check in the back hall, where Johns office sat at the far end. 


John Gallagher has owned Yours Sweetly since before I can remember. This bakery was the only one in our small town of Holmes Chapel, and it was easily the heart of town. He didn't hire much, because he liked to keep it a family run business. Usually, the store was bursting at the seams with hungry costumers, but today was Monday and along with being the least appreciated day of the week, everyone was still at work or at home studying. I usually didn't work Mondays, but I wish I did. Mondays were calm, and usually consisted of sitting around listening to the radio while arranging the tea packets in alphabetical order. Which is why absolutely everyone wanted to work on Mondays. 

          "Guess it's just you and me today." 

The voice came out of no where, sending a jolt of panic through my entire body and startling me out of my thoughts. My head whipped around so fast, I nearly gave myself whiplash. His hand on one of the swinging doors, Luke Gallagher watched me with apologetic grimace. 

          "Sorry, did I startle you?" He asked, his nose wrinkling. "I was buffing some tables, and I decided that since my uncle was out I'd listen to some music. Didn't even hear you come in." 

           I glanced over his shoulder where a bucket sat with a washcloth hanging over the edge. How did I miss him? "No, it's fine. I was lost in thought." I shrugged, letting my hand fall from my chest. 

           "I wasn't expecting to see you today," he commented. "You don't usually work on Mondays, do you?" 

            "Uh, no .. I'm usually here on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and most of the weekend." I replied easily, shuffling over to grab a maroon apron from the rack while Luke placed the bucket full of sloshing water under the sink. 

         "Well, like I said; it's just you and me. John's out of town, something about a pastry revelation? I never know with him."  He sighed, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. 

Lucas Gallagher has been a classmate of mine since daycare up until two years ago. He was tall, lean and attractive by every normal girls standards. Personally, I didn't see it. We weren't really friends .. not anymore. John was his uncle, so he was basically guaranteed a job here at birth. He wasn't very social, and from what I can put together he's going to community college to stay close to home. Why? I have no idea. He was accepted to a handful of Universities all around the UK including Oxford, but he didn't even consider them. He was a mystery, which is why I liked him, in a my-job-would-be-bloody-boring-without-him kind of way. That, and he didn't speak much which kept social interaction at a minimum. 

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