02: Please Don't Leave

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"Mmm." Tommy groans as he feels something nudge his hand away from his head and wake him from his sleep.

It nudges him again and he shoots his head up from his knees, he was in the same position as he was last night, apart from the fact that it had become light outside.

He looks around rapidly and see's a small ginger cat nestle itself next to him as he rubs the dry tears away from under both of his grey eyes.

"Hey little guy. Where did you come from?" Tommy whispers sweetly to it.

He groans as he lays down on his back and stares up at the clouds while the cat climbs on to his stomach and purr's quietly in response to Tommy placing both of his hands on it's back and gently stroking it with his thumb.

"Oh kitty, kitty kitty." he sighs, "What am I gonna to do without him?"

He gently urges the cat to jump off his lap and stumbles to his feet while brushing off the grass that had stuck to his clothes.

"Well farewell... um. Lilah? Yes! Lilah! Bye Lilah." he waves to Lilah and starts to slowly walk backwards toward the path, his legs were stiff due to him sleeping on his knees all night.

He makes it back to the path, walking along it until he spots his home in the hill and sits outside of it with his legs crossed in front of him. He starts to pick at the grass and chucks it beside him, then grabs another piece and chucks it beside him, then grabs another, another.. another.. another and another. Who knows how long he had been sat there?

He was begining to get unreasonably bored, but then he heard a laugh come from behind the gate on the other side of the garden. He rushed up and over to check it out and there he saw Tubbo.. and Ranboo? Ranboo. Ugh. The one who stole his best friend.

"Tommy! I thought I would say goodbye before I left."

"Okay. Bye then." Tommy rolls his eyes, giving Ranboo the dirtiest look he could muster up.

Ranboo looks incredibly awkward. Just standing there twiddling his thumbs, looking at Tubbo, feeling like he's interrupting an important moment.

"Uh..? Yeah? Bye big man, I'll see you around, yeah?" he walks through the waist-high gate and leans toward Tommy for a hug, but Tommy backs away slightly. "Toms, come on. I don't know when I'm next gonna see you." he gestures his hand towards himself.

Reluctantly, Tommy conformed and wrapped his arms around Tubbo's torso as he done the same to him. They would stay in that moment forever if they had the chance. "Toby.. please don't leave. You're all I have." he whispers and grabs tighter as tears began falling from his eyes. The serenity in his voice could shatter Tubbo's heart a thousund fold and he would still have to turn to hide the hurt behind his eyes.

They stayed like that for a while until Tubbo pulled away to reach in to his pocket to grab something. "Put your hand out Toms." he did as he said. His hand reached out and dropped a small, round, black stone into the blonde's hand.

"What's this Toby?" Tommy asked as he turned the stone in his hand and threw it in to the air, catching it and spinning it in his hand again.

"A trinket from our last adventure." you could hear his voice crack as he turned from Tommy, grabbed Ranboo's hand and began to swiftly walk away.


Tommy doesn't try to stop him, he knows there's no use. He just stands there and lowers his head, his hands containing the stone held to his heart as if it was the most important and delicate thing he had ever recieved.

And to him, it was.

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