01: Chasing Sunsets

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"Tubbo! Come on, we gotta go!" Tommy shouted up at the small window from the slippery ground, swaying back and forward on the soles of his feet.

"Yeah yeah.. I'm coming." the shorter boy acknowledged him as he stepped out of his front door, turning around to lock it behind him. "So.. what did you wanna do today Toms?"

"I was thinking, right? We haven't pranked anyone in a while-" you could practically hear the excitement in his voice as he rubbed his hands together.

"No, we haven't. But there is literally no one around to prank at the moment so there's no point."

"Oh yeah, I guess. Um.." he paused for a moment to think. "We could just walk around then? If you want to."

"Sure, not like I have plans anyway." Tubbo was supposed to meet up with Ranboo this evening. Guess that was out of the window now though.

They both turned to face the small cobbled pathway that lead to the prime path and began to stride towards it; Tommy going significantly faster than Tubbo due to his longer legs and peculiar amount of energy gifted to him at very random times of the day.

As they get closer to reaching the community house, Tubbo quickly pulls Tommy's sleeve, nearly pulling him over, while he reached down to the ground to pick up a cool looking rock and put it in his pocket. "There's something important I need to tell you later by the way."

"Okay?" Tommy responds dismissively, looking down towards the freshly rained-on floor. "Anyway, have you ever wondered what mud tastes like. I was just thinking about it and wow, it must be absolutely divine. So lucious and.. brown."

"Tommy, why- the actual fuck would I have thought about that?" the brunette replied between laughs at his best friends idiocy.

"Okay man. Geez. Calm yourself, have an apple." A red apple is pulled from his pocket and chucked towards Tubbo, hitting him right in the center of his chest; he caught it before it hit the ground and took a bite.

"Apple's good by the way. Thanks." he scarcastically commented with the food still in his mouth, in reply to his obnoxious partner in crime.

The blonde put a hand on his heart and said the following words like some kind of Scout leader. "I, Tommyinnit, would do anything for a charity case such as yourself. I'm just humble like that." he removes his hand and carries on strolling slowly towards the commuinty house with a visible smirk plastered across his face. Tubbo stood shocked, "Oh come on, you idiot." Tommy spoke while turning around and pulling the other boy's hand along behind him, "it was a joke."

"Wasn't funny." he replied while his body was being dragged behind.

Tommy rolled his eyes and let go of the other's hand to rifle through the various chests scattered around the building. They weren't filled with anything of interest; just cobblestone, wooden tools, random flowers and little pink slips of paper that read you matter♡. He took the cobblestone, obviously not caring who it belonged to.

Stomping up the stairs, the tall boy shouted down for Tuboo to come join him up there because apparently "the views amazing up here." After some faux-deep thought, Tubbo begrudgingly decided to follow the boy up the stairs; it turns out he was right. The overcast sky against the barren landscape is covered in hues of purples, pinks and oranges, it truly was a sight for sore eyes.

Tubbo would miss this the most when he left; the beautiful sunsets, but no less than Tommy himself.

"Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to chase the sunset around the world. You could watch it forever, you know?" says Tubbo.

"Yeah, that would be pretty damn cool big man."


"Wanna head back to mine in a bit?"

"Wait until the sun sets fully." Tubbo says. "It might be my last one for a while." he whispered the last part.

The two teens sit agaisnt the brick wall on the roof, feet dangling off the edge and waited until the sun had completely set and the sky had returned back into it's monotonous self before arriving back at Tommy's abode and sitting on the rather uncomfortable, wooden bench, facing a small river to the right of his house.

Tommy turned slowly to face Tubbo and asked, "What was it you wanted to talk about earlier Tubs?"

"Oh um.. right. Yeah. Just promise me you won't get mad."

Tommy gave him a quizzical look, but slowly nodded.

"Well, you know Ranboo?"


"Well, We decided to move in together."

"Oh cool! When are we going?"

"No, Tommy. You misunderstand me. I am moving in with him... not you."

"You're leaving me..?"

"In a small village called Snowchester. We have a child together, you know? Did you know?" Tommy doesn't respond. "His name's Michael, he's a piglin I'm pretty sure. I don't know though, we kinda just found him.."

"Oh.." the blonde averted his eyes to somewhere else. Anywhere else.

"I want a normal life Toms. A simple life. We were forced to grow up too early. The wars..um," Tommy notices Tubbo shudder beside him. "We were too young. I just need a break I think."

"No... no, come on Tubs, we're still young. We have our whole lives ahead of us to do adult shit. You can't leave me now."

"Tommy.. I'm tired."

"No, but- Toby." he replies solemnly, "We're a dynamic duo man, Tommy and Tubbo, Tubbo and Tommy. We were supposed to take on the world together. Just me and you agaisnt the world." his voice broke as his speech sped up; he stood and pointed into the dark abyss that laid dormant ahead of them. "You're all I have." he whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear.

"But Tom.. all good things must come to an end eventually, right?"

"What- no." his eyebrows grew closer together as he spun around, looking down as quick as he was capable of doing so. "Who even am I without you?"

"Yourself.." his voice was hoarse, if Tommy responded, he thought he may break down. "Maybe it's time to say goodbye for a little while."

Tommy's eyes widen, looking away, his mouth agape, his chest heaving heavier, his eyes gradually welling with water, rapidly searching the distant landscape, fiddling with his jumpers drawstrings.

There is no way in the world Tommy would let someone see him this vulnerable, so he done the only thing he knew how to.

He ran.

He ran and he ran and he ran.

He ran until tears were falling from his eyes and falling onto the ground behind him.

He ran until he looked up and saw that he found his way to the L'Manburg ruins.

He ran until he fell onto his knees with his palms on his head, grasping at his blonde hair. Hoping that this was all some sick joke that they could laugh about in the future.

But it wasn't.

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