Coming Home

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Wow..........I really do miss this don't I? I questioned myself.  Fin Hill was my childhood home that I grew up in but after being accepted to UTS College I had to leave for 5 years in order to get my Veterinary Degree and becoming a Vet was hard but I didn't let that stop me from chasing my dreams. I came back home to celebrate Christmas after all this time away from my family and I wanted to make up for it. As I entered, I expected my family welcoming me home and my mother giving me the tightest hug that it nearly knocked me out of breath was dull and not welcoming at all. My family wasn't even there! WHAT??!! I screamed in my head. Question after question filled up my mind.

Where are they? What are they doing? Did they forget about me? Do they even remember me? Am I even in the right house? Are they shopping? Did they go somewhere?

I dramatically dropped my suitcase and let it fall to the ground with my mouth drop with no shame what so ever. Slowly walking around and embracing the pictures of me as a child with my 2 brothers. One picture made me freeze. A picture of our family one. Me and my brothers smiling which made me giggle and my Papa and Nana sitting together having a good time. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as all these memories washed over me. My Mama and Dad dancing and swaying to the music like ALL parents usually do together and me and my brothers having a food fight. Pieces of bread flying everywhere, tomato's staining our shirts, chips being tossed at each other. Damn....what a time....what a time.......what a time I said to myself.

Grabbing the picture and holding it close to me I silently cried missing those old times and how much time I lost with my family that I would never get back but I knew I had to make up for it. 


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I loudly screamed, holding the picture even tighter and carefully getting up, backing away from where the noise came from. I stopped right at the door staring down the place where the noise came from and suddenly a-

Cat? What in the hell is a cat doing in here?

"Meowwwww Purrr Purrrr"

"OMG YOU BLOODY SCARED ME YOU LITTLE FURY THING- I mean uhhhh Cat." I hiccupped in a mixture of fear and relief. It looked kinda friendly but I had trust issues. "Wait what- Trust issues with animals? Seriously? YOU WERE IN COLLEGE FOR 5 YEARS TO BE A VET AND YOU'RE SCARED OF ANIMALS?" my mind said.  Oh wait- way to have a doodoo brain but how am I suppose to know if its possessed or not? Ok yea yea its a stupid thing to even think about as a vet, but hey! I have my insecurities!! Don't judge me!

The cat strolled around the room and walked its way toward me, taking its sweet time. Me being my own self I sat on the cold hard floor with a big thud that made the cat jump but not fazed at all. I was like "TAKE ME YOU POSSESSED ANIMAL TAKE ME HURRY UP I'M GOING TO DIE." (Yes I sound ridiculous and a very weird human being but it's me being me obviously)  

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