A connection and memories

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Then I remembered it was my Nana's Cat, LooLoo, who she rescued from her abusive owner. I had to double check if it was actually her so I observed her dark grey fur, her green hazel eyes and her long bushy tail. Huh.............This is not LooLoo..........or is it?? 

I felt a connection towards the cat........as if it was in pain and have been in a somewhat......abusive relationship with a human or owner. This turned my way of seeing the cat and how it stared at me with pure adoration in its eyes. "Awwwwwwwww" I said as I giggled to myself. As cats doing their own thing, purring and licking themselves........this cat seemed....different. Slowly crawling to the cat I wanted to pet it SO BADLY with its cute eyes and soft fur. 

I reached my hand out and the cat smelled it for a few seconds then started to curl around my arm. After that lasting a couple minutes I decided to pet it and hug it as if it was my own cat. Then I remembered my childhood cat, Zeze, what a sassy little cat she was and she could be snarky and sour towards you whenever she wanted to but other than that I knew I WAS her favourite. (Unlike my brothers who were only obsessed with cars and blah blah blah) She unfortunately passed away at age 7 and I was only 13 at the time and I cried for days or even weeks. I wasn't even bothered to go to school I preferred to grieve instead even if something important happened inside or outside of school. 

Now that I was pulled back into reality I still questioned where my family was. I knew that all of them wouldn't all go to one place together because that's when drama arrives to the partyyyyyyyyy! My brothers would constantly wrestle each other to see whose better (What's the point, they're both morons) My aunt, Kathy and Mama would have a tea and gossip session and my uncles and Dad would go to the pub or ANYWHERE that has beer and football. 

Me missing those times to be completely honest**

That's when I decided to just not worry and my mum always use to say "Don't worry about others, worry about yourself" Kinda sounds selfish to me but it was my life motto that was stuck with me for the past 9 years. 

Trying to find my old bedroom I saw................blood? As in........real human blood. My soul just left my body right there and then. Staring in sudden terror and shock I had the feeling that this had to do with something with my family gone..............

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