Oh Darling

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The Suitehearts looked over the carnival, in the daylight it was nice But when nightfall came, it was extraordinary.

Sandman and Donnie were out on their nightly routine, putting the townsfolk to sleep and ridding them of nightmares, the two enjoyed the lights of the carnival before they turned off, "I should bring our dearest doctor here sometime" Sandman claimed as he walked with Donnie "I am sure he would enjoy it".

"He's stupid" Benzedrine and Horseshoe Crab were talking about their friends, mostly Sandman "it's obvious he loves you" Crab responded, Benzedrine was always stubborn when it came to feelings and emotion "that's ridiculous" The doctor claimed as he finished his work "you can go home and sleep now" Benzedrine glared at Crab "okay, okay fine but don't be surprised when he shows up to ask you out" Horseshoe Crab claimed, walking out the door

He's being ridiculous, there's no way that would happen, right? Wrong

The Next Morning

The four were on their separate ways to the Carnival. Sandman made sure to leave a muffin in Benzedrine's booth so he wouldn't starve, he forgets to eat in the mornings.

They all sat at their booths as people come and go but eventually, nightfall came and everyone left Horseshoe Crab went home to sleep and Donnie decided he'd give the two some privacy.

"Benzedrine, I would love it if you would join me in my nightly walk" Sandman asked as Benzedrine was packing up for the night "sure, I would love too" Benzedrine smiled and Sandman melted, fictionally of course.

The two started their walk after it got a bit darker "I've never actually seen you do your job" Benzedrine claimed as he walked alongside his companion.
Sandman chuckled "this is just the beginning".

Sandman finished his job, making sure the town was asleep, "come on, I think you'll like this" Sandman said as he drug Benzedrine along, making their way to the carousel.

Upon arrival the shorter of the two took attention to the lights of it all and then his eyes landed on the ground where a blanket was on the ground, Benzedrine was wordless "I thought you would enjoy it since you never really get a break so I figured I take you on a date- i mean break" Sandman mentally cursed himself for slipping up. "It's beautiful, thank you, Sandman" Benzedrine hugged the man who's shadows bounced around them happily.

The two sat and talked and eventually Sandman heard a quiet voice break the silence "this was amazing, I had a wonderful time" Benzedrine said as he checked his watch, the time was 4:57 AM.

"I'm glad I got to spend my time with you, I can't think of a better way" Sandman smiled as he said so, "I guess it's time we go home then, isn't it?" Benzedrine said with a tinge of sadness "it is but we can do this again someday" Sandman smiled which caused Benzedrine to smile. The two looked around at the lights or at least the lights that had been on a few minutes ago.

The pair set off on their way home, hand in hand with smiles on their faces, Donnie and Crab would be happy to see this sight.

"I just realized I never really get out at night" Benzedrine said as they exited the Carnival "I'll be the reason you come out at night more often" Sandman smiled.

They were walking down the sidewalk, a chill breeze blew by, they both shivered at the cold, hoping to get home faster but not wanting to end the night together.

Both enjoyed the others company and wished for more, wanting to be together "I think I love you" Benzedrine said as he was not the best with feelings, Sandman chuckled "I think I love you too" Sandman smiled as they reached the doctors house.

They stopped and stared into each other's eyes, leaning and closing the gap between them, a passionate kiss, they could feel the sparks, Sandman smiled as he felt the soft lips against his, Benzedrine felt the strong arms around him, it was a truly beautiful night.

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