Dearest Doctor

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"Fuck!" Sandman yelled as he threw his pen at the wall "why is writing a love letter so hard?!?" He asked himself "all I have to do is confess" confessing was more then difficult for the man of nightmares for he wasn't sure how to put his feelings into words "maybe crab could help"

The journey to crabs house was...rather unpleasant, the rain was pouring and the wind was heavy but Sandman was determined to finish his love letter to the dearest doctor who caught his heart and kept it in a cage.

Benzedrine, he knew Sandman was overly in love with him but decided to wait for the man to say it with his own words, in which Benzedrine knew Sandman wasn't good with feelings, especially love, though Benzedrine himself was no master of feelings, Donnie had told him some things but he refused to believe such nonsense.

"And then sign you name at the bottom and you're done" Crab said to Sandman as he looked over the page of messy handwriting
"are you sure this isn't stupid?"
"You'll be fine"

"Dearest Doctor, I've written this letter to get something off my chest, I must confess that when I am around you my heart skips beats and my stomach does flips, I know you're probably to busy to respond to such nonsense of a letter but I truly am trying to tell you something, I stay an extra few minutes at you're place every night just to observe you and feel the calmness you give off in you're sleep, that's creepy but I always wish you the best of dreams and never nightmares.

XOXO The Man Of Your Dreams

As Benzedrine read Sandman's letter a small smile spread across his face
"Why must he do this to me?"

This is for you :) you know who you are ❤️

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