You're My Sugarplum

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Mr. Sandman, The one to put you to sleep and bid you dreams and a goodnight.

Sandman had finished his nightly routine and was making his way to a certain place.
Where? You might ask, well he's heading to the Doctors cottage, he stops there every night just because he knows it'll drive the doctor up the wall, like always.

Dr. Benzedrine, The dearest doctor who gives pills, potions and elixirs to the townsfolk to fix their problems, in some way you could say the doctor is a dealer of sorts.

Benzedrine was working like always, down in his laboratory, bubbly liquid of all colors, fizzing and popping.

Sandman turned the brass doorknob with his gloved hand, going into the house and quietly shutting it behind him.

Making his way to the laboratory, excitement filled him, he always got excited when it came to seeing the doctor.

Sandman entered the lab "oohhh doctoooorr, I've come for my check up"
Sandman exclaimed "you're in no need of such, please see you're way out, I'm working" Benzedrine never took his eyes off of his work, not even for a second "but doc, I've got this pain in my chest, it's killing me" Benzedrine glanced at him "you don't seem as if you're in pain" The doctor remarks "Oh but I am, it's like my heart is pounding outta my chest" Sandman clutches his chest as if he's in pain. The doctor gets annoyed with Sandman's acts and decides to check him out "there seems to be nothing wrong with you except your stupidity" The doctor looked into the dark eyes of Sandman "do you think it's because I fell?" The man of shadows asked "when did you fall?" The doctor asked with no concern "when I saw you" Benzedrine then realized what sandman was doing " you're wasting my time with your dumb jokes, it's not funny" The doctor turned to head back to his table to work but a hand on his waist pulling him closer stopped him from doing so " I think I know how to fix my pain" Sandman said "how?" The doctor was annoyed but found no point in fighting for the man of shadows was stronger. Sandman smirked and pulled the doctor closer, kissing him roughly, after pulling away from the kiss the doctor gave him a look that could kill him.

Sandman let go of the doctor while a devious smile rested on his face " well have a nice night" sandman said "no! What was that!?! You can't just kiss me then leave!" The doctor scolded him furiously " so you wish for me to stay"
The doctor was silent " don't worry Sugarplum, I'll stay"

And he did, annoyed but lovely

I don't like this one but maybe somebody will

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