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Hello everyone, and welcome to my first fanfic on this account! I hope you all enjoy this fanfic. I'm excited about this fanfic. I have so much planned, so stay tuned and on with the show~

This is a fanfic. None of this ever happened in reality. Just made up words for your entertainment. Please don't take this fanfic too seriously. If you don't like what I write, you can tell me anytime or just don't read it.

I was inspired by this by Thai series I saw on Netflix called, Sleepless Society: Insomnia, I honestly love this series, I recommend you all to watch it.

If  you I would like to read on Ao3 instead you can just tap this link > https://archiveofourown.org/works/35888251 or search for the username @/emptyhumor

There will be violence mentioned, so if that bothers you, please don't read. Also, please don't steal my fanfic idea or the fanfic as a whole. If you do want to use my fanfic, please credit me. I took my time on this.

When you see the writing cursive it means he's dreaming about his childhood(or when he has flash backs or hears echos) when he was 10 years old, and also he doesn't know whether it's a nightmare or reality. (Just so you're not confused)
To make it easier the flash back will have these > [ ]  and the echos will have these > '  '

There will be an island(from South Korea) mentioned in this story, please don't be offended if anything negative is said about it; it's just my imagination running wild. I honestly think the place is lovely in my opinion.

:: Thank you ! ! Have a great time~

Chapter one: 2090 words

ECHO | Felix FanficWhere stories live. Discover now