Chapter One

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The night before the concert, he arrived to find his performance clothes didn't arrive, the stage lights weren't completely done, in short, everything was in a mess. Never before in his career as an artist had he encountered such difficulties. He knew something was wrong but couldn't figure out what it was. It caused him a great deal of stress while he thought things were going well.

After reading the comments from the live stream two days ago, he groaned with frustration, knowing he'd done something stupid in front of thousands, one comment read, "he must be a psycho, I don't understand why he has so many fans... ridiculous". Felix sat back down in his chair, slumped back and glared up at the white walls. He closed his eyes, and gave a heavy sigh, still staring up at the white wall.

"Help me..." Felix pleaded repeatedly, trying not to cry out in agony. He could feel his chest tighten and his throat dry up as he fought for his last breath. He couldn't stop. Not yet, not before it's over.

There was nothing he could do about the tears. They spilled down his cheeks like a river eroding a dam. His eyes became puffy and his facial features began to look red. He felt hopeless. There was no place for him to go.

As much as he wanted to keep crying for help, Felix knew there was no point. He had been running for four minutes straight, not even a chance to take a breath and was exhausted from trying to escape the stranger who was pursuing him.

His little legs were practically touching the ground, almost reaching their limit. He had come to a dead end. Oh no. There was nowhere for him to go. The fence was topped with wired thorns and he would have no chance going up there.

Trying to find an escape route around the high fence, Felix looked around, scanning for any alternatives. He didn't have time to get around it. Felix felt his heartbeat increase and he was unsure what to do. A panic attack. It's what he felt at that moment. The speed of your pulse, the feeling of fainting, feeling dizzy or light-headed, or trembling,  or even sweating.

In a flash, the stranger reached closer. Quick. That was the first thing that came into his mind. He cursed silently as he saw that he had no option but to go over. No other route would work. The impossible had to be done to succeed in escaping the mysterious man even though it was a dangerous path.

Whilst Felix approached the fence, it felt dirty, old, and uneasy, but he had no choice. Felix exhaled deeply and exhaled again. It was going to be difficult. He only needed faith. Yes, faith. There was a lack of faith in this, and his faith in himself was eroding too.

As he climbed, a smile appeared on his face, making his cheeks chubby. He was almost there, and when the faith was almost gone, he found the gift of hope.

The terror that stabbed his heart seized him as he was midway up and he was left with nothing but blind terror as fear clawed up his throat as he took a hefty gulp, quivering in fear.

He struggled to move. Something was grabbing hold of his shirt. It soon dawned on him that it wasn't something, but someone. The stranger. Despite his efforts to swivel and shift as hard as he could, Felix was not able to overcome the man's strength. He felt his throat close up as he screamed painfully and uproariously while struggling to move. Tears welled up in his eyes as he felt his eyes blurred up.

"No! No! Let me go"

The tears become more fierce. The man had grabbed a hold of him, dragging him down the fence with one hand around his waist. Felix struggled vigorously than before, but there was nothing he could do. "Let me go!" Felix entreated repeatedly, and the man tampered his waist, having enough of the young boy's bitter cry. The tightness of the man's arms around his waist caused Felix to feel the torture more than he ever should have. Felix was in so much pain, and all he could do was struggle.

In no time at all, Felix's eyes blurred from the frightening tears as he saw that they had already reached the ground, but there was not much deference as before. He felt so hopeless that nothing he did had any effect. There was no way out of the unusual man's grip on his body. It was as though it felt their was bricks tied to his body, keeping it from being released. As he wretched in pain, he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He soon realised it was because the man had his hands around his nose and mouth. As he screamed, his eyes filled with tears and he lost sight.

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